💫Happy weekend💫
Not always having five minutes of honesty and telling the truth has the best ending, because obviously if you hide it is because a bomb is sure to explode, or when you cheat on your partner you come and tell him my love you know I have a news I'll tell you the truth do not go to bother but I'm dating someone else, but you are the only one I love is you, forgive me is that I prefer you to know it for me hahaha, this was left dead in combat this applies to both sexes do not accuse me of feminist I prefer to tell the truth 😂😂.
They always tell you I prefer a truth that hurts than a lie that hurts but deep down we prefer not to find out when doing so fractures any family relationship or friendship, because I tell you this recently it happened to me that by being honest things did not end well at that time I thought I was doing the right thing but I should have recanted and left things as they were I would have avoided a lot of problems.
Once I had a family situation in which I as devil's advocate gave my opinion regarding the facts, not only I gave my opinion but I got into a problem that was not mine, one of the parties involved was not present so to not be seen as a gossip I said when I arrive I will tell the truth of what I said so I avoid problems, when the third person arrived I called her and told her...hey sorry but what you said I commented because I saw that it was a delicate subject .... Well you can imagine what a mess I got into for saying what I had done, I earned my good insult and enmity, people want the truth but when you do it is worse the remedy than the disease, I wanted her to know from my own mouth what happened now I regret it, I should have let her go on living in a world of fantasies that we all want to think .. telling the truth is not always the best option in this case, This serves me as an experience, honesty and transparency should not be left aside but with great caution, do not give an opinion or get into what does not interest .... because that happened to me by entrepita because there is no other word, silent I look prettier.
This is my weekend engagement share thanks to @galenkp who leaves us excellent options to share bye bye and you know quiet many times we look prettier.
Amiga you are right, I would have thought the same as you, but not all of us appreciate sincerity, as Arjona says a lie that makes you happy is worth more than a truth that makes your life bitter.
Hi friend I would have kept quiet and sure nothing happens but I thought of saying what I had said and well the result was fatal, thanks for commenting blessings 💞