
Seconding that!

Then we make a third! 🤣

Poetically inspired, expands love out to all and the heavens

Watches in awe the cosmic blooming of love

Sees your third, raises the stakes

Stakes have never been higher

Encompasses you with that love

Feels the warm embrace of love and shares it

Or more deliciously beautiful.

I couldn't have said it better.

Encircled with the warmth of loving embrace, enjoys the beauty

Coils more love around and let's out a sigh for all the love



Sighs, love coils around both as they sigh together gently bringing this 2 week weekend to conclusion before G-Dog breaks the trance of dance 😉

Giggles and takes puts his hands together, bowing in sign of respect and thanking for all the love, harmony, music and dance 😄