Okay, that makes more sense. Also scents. Yes, I know exactly what you mean. Same thing here. I have a sensitive nose. I can tell by smell when I cook, so I almost never taste it. You know how that goes though, practice is all.
Oh, my... yeah, I like it when you talk dirty. 😉
The more I talk to you, the more I want to. 😘
Sometimes I scare my mom off by telling her what the food is missing just by smell. "Go ahead, taste it, it's missing this...".
Oh, my...😏😘
I had to do it today. "Ma, the sauce is fine."
Likewise, I'm enjoying every bit of it.
Please, don't! My mom is keen on killing flies! 😅 I can't vouch for your safety.
Lovely loving thing. 😘
That would be cool. I would get you a nice place to get plenty of bugs. Really? How big is it? What kind of spider is it?
My pleasure, you lovely being. 😘