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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 62: Skills you have or want

in Weekend Experiences • 3 years ago

Quality in price and design.

I'll never argue about quality and design. Well worth it.

I can't send myself. I have no passport! 😢 Press F to pay respects

My passport is expired, sob. There are a lot of them here though, so maybe enough already, maybe not though. Not sure you'd want to come here now, it's about to descend into chaos, I can smell it on the air.


I'll never argue about quality and design. Well worth it.

Also pricey, but good stones are expensive.

My passport is expired, sob. There are a lot of them here though, so maybe enough already, maybe not though. Not sure you'd want to come here now, it's about to descend into chaos, I can smell it on the air.

Well, getting a new passport is a task of titanic proportions, but I might be able to pull it off if I sell some instruments. About chaos, I live in it right now. So, changing chaos for another doesn't feel weird at all. Besides, every place has its troubles.

Exactly! Let's begin by the fact that it costs 200$ to get a new one and getting that money is a lot of work since there's problems with everything else. Also, one can get extorted by the people running the office. Thus, your passport stays in hold and you can't do anything about it. Corruption runs rampant.

The grass always looks greener on the other side, until you step on it.

Okay, so that's what along the lines of what I was imagining. Lot of hassle.

Lots of hassle I'll need to go through at some point whether I want it or not.

I know that's just some farfetched argument about envy and nationalism, but I still find the phrase funny. 🤣

I'm a kind of political comedian. However, I know political comedy doesn't last long. 🤣