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RE: Before anyone else [BAE] - A posting contest - ENTRIES NOW CLOSED

in Weekend Experiences • 4 years ago

I hate opening sentences. I wouldn't hate them if they came to me immediately but they make me work for them. And work.

Whatever work you're doing to make that work, it's flipping working. It just worked in the above comment you made. 🤣🤣🤣

Just don't pass that one on to me. I almost got stuck on a title for the next one and didn't want to end up on a title rant, so I ranted it out of me. Here you are again doing the Title Talk you'd think you were on Tik Tok, bet you could slam that into a whole funky rappy video, I just bet you could. I know I'd die laughing and you'd have the added benefit of creating permanent title one opening line freeze for me. Wouldn't that be the best? 😉😜

Remind me to tell you a story in relation to the music link you included.

 4 years ago  

Here's your reminder. I really like your idea a lot but upon reading this comment it just :clicked:

They should all have the same title!

 4 years ago  

Hashtag Jetlag. Hello LA =} I'm starving!
