A typical Nigerian regardless of what gender you are. You should be able to make certain dishes at anytime of the day with ease provided all the ingredients needed are available. For me learning to cook never came easy as I have tried a lot of times and failed wonderfully but you know what they say experience is the best teacher. Besides with the increase in cost of living in the country now one is forced to cook almost everyday as eating out is very expensive.
I made tomato stew today
My typical weekend would be me hanging out with friends and just catching up on things we mixed during the weekday but for this weekend I decided to finally make tomato stew for the first time.
To make tomato stew you need the following ingredients
- Fresh tomatoes and pepper
- seasoning-preferably Maggie season cubes.
- Tomato paste
- Fish, egg or beef whatever protein you prefer
- Oil- groundnut oil
- salt
If you like curry and ginger- most people don’t like this in their food.
The image is quite dark because I had to use my touch light- there was no power at the time.
FiFA video game
It wasn’t long after I finished cooking they restored power. After which I got a call from a friend of mine who I haven’t seen in a while he came to hangout with me and then we started playing FIFA and guess what I lost wonderfully.
The goals kept pouring in till I was too frustrated to keep playing. We played a total of 10 games I lost 6 and won 4 but even the ones I won was a struggle. We then decided to take a break by taking a long walk around the place I live.
On my walk back home, I took pictures of buildings and the street lights. In conclusion it was a very beautiful weekend for me. Thank you for reading.
Best regards
<Note all the images used for this write up was originally taken by me. The author.
Thank you for the opportunity