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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 50: The natural world

You would like that place, you know why? Not sure if you can tell from the photo, but it's a pebble beach, no sand!

Well, hubby has been with me to many of the places visited, so he knows them all - and sometimes dreaded all the time I spent taking photos, getting the right angle, etc. Of course, his experience of each place is somewhat different from mine, however, we are happily married for a reason 💓.

I showed him your comment and he chuckled 😋. I actually made him an account yesterday. He has seen me play Splinterlands and wants to give it a go, he's a writer (two self-published novels are out, more are in the works) and gamer among (many) other things.


Pebble beaches are preferable yes, I'm sure I'd like it.

It's cool your husband has made an account, well you did for him, I'm not sure what Splinterlands actually is to be honest but I hope he enjoys himself in between book writing.