Not What We Bargained For - Wedding Tale.

in Weekend Experiences3 years ago (edited)

This is my response to "Weekend-engagement post topics 76: Your celebrations" You can also join the challenge here.

Special shout out to @galenkp for this opportunity to share...


What party, event or celebration have you attended or held that wasn't very good or enjoyable. What went wrong and why, how long did you stay and what excuses did you give for leaving early.


I remember this particular wedding I went to many years back on a Saturday. Most weddings are on Saturdays here. It was for my Church member but it wasn't an enjoyable one for me that much because food happened hahaha. What's a party without food? I am not a good kind of person and for someone like me who isn't into food to complain about the event then it is really bad.

I understand they were trying to cut the budget according to their pockets but this wasn't even because of lack of food but just about terrible organisation and management. It was really bad and I have noticed that in most receptions where they serve you food as though they were doing you a favour. Others learn to get more hands and manage the situation by not showing preferences but this one was so bad that we had to leave earlier than planned and it was also a rainy day. We even managed to stay as long as we did despite the horrible way we were treated because we were waiting for the rain to subside.

We got to the Church wedding of our department mate and it was fast, smooth and easy. It was a wonderful Church service but the reception wasn't. After the Church wedding, we were directed to where the reception would be holding and myself and 3 other Church members left for there. We saw the bride and the groom in the car before heading up to the place we were to sit. We offered them our cash gift which was the contribution of every other department member of the bride.

We went upstairs and sat down as the event gradually progress but the turning point of the event happened when this particular woman started sharing food with everyone there except us. I've never been the type to complain or lobby for food. What's the worst that could happen? At most, I would leave and just head home once the event is over. What's 2 hours that I can't withstand without food but what about the other 3 people with me?

The only lady amongst us stood up and approached the woman serving about her lack of attention to our table and many others on our lane. She reluctantly attended to her after such a stare. The lady came back to the seat with us and they started serving us the food. They brought the food and there were no spoons. What were we supposed to do? Eat with our hands with our gorgeous dresses? 😂😂😂🤣🤣. The woman was just behind me when I called her attention to it and she said there were no spoons. What? Wouldn't it have been better for you not to serve us than give us food with no spoons? I was really angry at that point and I told the others with me that if she wouldn't come with the spoons in 15 minutes at most, we should leave and I would get food for everyone.

Lo and behold, no spoon came and we stood up to leave. We were just at the stairs going when I saw one spoon with her. We were 4, what are we supposed to do with one? Share? We would have understood if she was a wonderful woman but she wasn't especially the way she treated us and was so cold to us making us know that she had a preference and those she was to serve first. For someone organizing and coordinating an event, she should not be only warm she should also have a bit of patience too. She wasn't equipped for the stress and pressure she faced that day.

We left and I got food for everyone including myself at a nearby eatery and it was money well spent. We had to leave early due to the food issue, bad attitude of the food vendor with lack of organisation and communication from the food vendor. The lady amongst us later told the bride after her honeymoon even though I told her not to. I got to know she finally told the bride when she reached out to me after her honeymoon and was apologizing.

Apart from the food issue, the hall was choking because they had more people for the wedding than they planned for which was why I said the organisation was poor. They didn't have proper planning on the ground which made the food vendor suffer and then took it out on us which explains why they ran out of spoons but if she had communicated gently with us, we would have been able to understand even though we would still end up leaving anyway. She saw how crowded the place was and that was why she was prioritizing those she would serve the food first and if you are not high calibre, you get food without spoon after tussle as we did.

We didn't even stay till the end of the reception and the only lady amongst us had to go to the bride at the front, whisper into her ears that we were leaving before the rain intensified again and it was after the whole event and her honeymoon that she told the bride the real reason we left.

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn't bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.

Olawalium; (Love's chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today: doctor's order.


Ouch! What an experience you had, my friend. I would have done the same if it was me, lol!

Hahahaha absolutely. I am glad we left really. Couldn't deal.

Glad you did. It just made me wonder what that woman was thinking not to serve all visitors in a fair manner.

Exactly. It's a wedding. You've been paid to do your job and yet you were picking favourites. It's shameful.

Yep, not only that, she could lose potential clients too if there were single ladies and gents amongst you hehe

😂🤣🤣🤣😂😂 she lost us already.

When attending weddings in future perhaps take your own utensils with you, you never know... 😁

🤣🤣😂😂😂🤣🤣 who would have thought.

And another thing I hate most when these kind of people are serving, they only know their own people and will serve them. Na connection be for everything in this life even to food. If you no no anyone at a party especially knowing one who is in charge of food, you go hustle for food oo 😅😅
I have been to one too where I was served rice with no meat. They said the meat got finished whereas they are keeping it. I had to reject the food. I am not hungry na 😅

Hahahaha I trust you, you will reject it hahahaa. It's true. They were paid to do their job they shouldn't be picking favourites especially with two families coming together as one.

Great job and thanks for sharing

Thank you.