Engagement 236 The hardest thing in my life: Letting go of what I love the most

in Weekend Experiences3 months ago (edited)
Happy weekend to everyone in the community, once again we meet together to learn and reflect on aspects of life that, as simple as they may seem, influence our well-being.

On this occasion I am going to talk about the most difficult thing I have done in my life and of course already living my 60's, you will suppose that I have had to make complicated decisions and face quite complex situations:

Supporting my children in their efforts to leave the country has been one of the most challenging and difficult tasks I have had to face in life, knowing that they would face an uncertain future and that I would not be near them, provoked in me a lot of fear, pain and sadness.


Like any mother, I have always wanted the best for my children and have worked hard to provide them with the necessary tools to achieve their goals and dreams. But I was still surprised by her decision to leave the country.


Supporting my children in this decision meant facing a number of emotional and logistical challenges.

I had to face the fear of having the boys away from me and the uncertainty about their well-being and physical and financial security, which made me feel very bad.


Accepting that the time had come for my nest to be empty implied a process of adaptation and acceptance, for which I was not prepared.

To achieve her goals, we had to go through a lot of paperwork, planning and organizing the resources and support needed to start her new life projects.

My oldest daughter left in better conditions than her brother, she traveled to Canada in the company of my sister, but Osmel made the famous crossing through Central America to the southern border of the United States..


Preparing for this trip was very difficult and risky, from the process of exchanging money in the informal market to get a better exchange rate to having to take a picture of how he would make his trip and feeling the fear of not seeing him again, since he would embark on an uncertain adventure.


Supporting my children in their desire to seek new opportunities in a distant country, where they would have to face the harsh reality of an emigrant, was a proof of unconditional love, above my fears, was their happiness and that was the only thing that soothed my soul.


As much as it pains me to accept it, deep down inside, I knew it was the only way for his modest aspirations to become a reality.


I am not fooling them, I miss them, I feel nostalgic and I am not used to having them far away, but I know that they would have a lot of problems if they were here, so I have been learning to enjoy them and share with them in the distance.

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The images are my own.
I used the Translator DeepL.


Wow that is a really tough decision to make but I think you made the right choice.

I kind of understand your situation because my mom made a crazy decision to go to America and she brought me and my younger brother there. She had no family or friends in America. Then my dad ended up not going so it was tough but I appreciate what she's done and I'm sure your children also appreciate the sacrifice that you made as well even though they may not directly tell you it

Cuba's situation today is extremely difficult for everyone, for young people it is suffocating, that's why they have emigrated.
I thank you very much for your words, they work hard and we hope we can be together as a family.
Take care of yourself very much. Blessings@shawmnft the life of an emigrant is hard because you have to learn and adapt to other customs and traditions, but it is a reality that there are greater possibilities for a better quality of life.

Yea for sure there's greater possibilities out there depending on the country we are in.

I'm not sure what cuba's situation is but sorry to hear that :(. I hope you have the chance to move and stay with your children.

You're welcome! It's good to be kind and I felt it was relatable to me.

Thank you I will take care of myself . You should as well! Have a great xmas and new years~