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RE: All due respect

in Weekend Experiences4 months ago

This includes assuming the surrender position in airport scanners, mask-wearing during the covid nonsense or permitting some randomer to insert an object into my nasal passage.

These, and many other things, strike me as sadistic. Medical exams that are sadistic I will not do but once. That pretty much means all medical exams, so I just do not go to western doctors unless I feel my life depends on it, which, thankfully, has not happened to me often, and not at all of late.

Kids would beat you up because your mother moonlighted as a drunk?

Funny, once again. I love the way you write!


We're talking late 60s early seventies here. Male drunks were quite common but women weren't even served in bars here. They'd drink in 'The Snug', a little annex you'd enter by a side door where you'd be served through a little hatch. My mother was the talk of the town and provided fine ammunition for groups of kids who'd surround you, taunting and jeering , then pushing and pummelling and suddenly you'd find yourself on the ground. I had to learn to reef and scrawb quick smart.

I though I had bad parents. But yours definitely take any cakes I've ever seen. How on earth did you come out so sensible? I guess living so far out of the norm helped quite a bit.

I read a lot of Enid Blyton and made believe I belonged to my aunt and uncle who looked after me at weekends:)