Here the weekend finally arrives and, it brings as a gift, a thousand fantastic ideas for writing and, above all, reflecting a bit... for this I can't not thank the good @galenkp ... Yes, I know, I thank him every weekend but you know, the way I see it, the world would be a better place if people said the word thank you more.
Come to us, I chose to talk a bit about the process that leads to my decisions; specifically the cue I'm given this week talks about the comparisons I have and how they affect my choices.
The truth is that I believe in the comparison and exchange of ideas and I'm lucky enough to surround myself with very thoughtful and above all honest special people; I was taught as a child, that it's much more respectful to say what's right, the truth, to give inconvenient advice than to tell people what they want to hear.
The first comparison, in all the important decisions of life, is with my wife Reny, we are a team and, when there is a choice to be made, we do it together, we are then each other's conscience eh eh! When we stop and think together we can be much more reflective.
I also believe that, as far as joint decisions are concerned, in a family it is right, normal and desirable to take them all together.
Then I have always learned, when there are choices to be made that could have a weight in the future, to confront my Mum and my Dad (who, on the other hand, are the family from which I come... from someone I will have learned and I must have let myself be influenced, don't you think?).
My parents are just from a different era than mine and see things very differently, always compared of course, to the ways they grew up and their experiences; for this reason I believe that the comparison with them is fundamental for me, because they give me a totally different point of view from mine and then I have the certainty that, whatever their advice, they are giving it to me from the heart because they love me .
For what are important decisions and, many times, even as an outlet, I also find myself confronting my two closest friends, Francesco and Simona; with them there are many things that we see in a similar way but, our character and our different approaches, allow me to explore further ways of seeing and thinking.
Furthermore, I blindly trust them because I know that they love me and, knowing them, I know that they will always say what is necessary without "sugaring" the pill.
In the end it often happens that, after all these comparisons, I still do my own thing (I want to clarify mine and my wife's, because she is always part of the decision-making process, for the reasons I stated at the beginning of the post.), to but sometimes I can see things differently and I change my choices; however, these comparisons have a strong positive influence on my life because, beyond the decision I'll make, they make me feel serene and give me flashes of happiness since they give me the awareness of being a lucky person... those who can afford the luxury to speak openly with so many people who love him?
Obviously, as I see it, the fact of preparing myself after the confrontation with a positive soul leads me to have an optimistic vision so most of the time the decisions taken turn out to be spot on ... I think this really depends a lot on how we look at things , often points of view can change reality.
Well, I'll stop here for today, but I think I'll use the other ideas to write other posts in this fantastic weekend.
Feel free to express your thoughts below!
Hug you!

English is not my first language but I try, please forgive any errors.
I like the way you express yourself about your wife, I also like the fact that you can compare yourself with her and how important it is to make decisions as a team, I really liked reading you, greetings
Thank you so much you are very kind. Reny and I are a very strong team heh heh!
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