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RE: The Frida Kahlo Museum (weekend day 2)

Frida is the ultimate Mexican icon. When we lived in Mexico, we would see her portraits literally everywhere and there was a museum dedicated to her as well in our town (Playa de Carmen). I took a picture of the entrance to the museum and that shot has been my all time bestseller on ShutterStock every since. People love Frida. Have you seen the movie "Frida" with Salma Hayek? Great movie.

Enjoy Mexico chicos! :)

@tipu curate


I haven't seen Frida with Salma Hayek (yet), but after visiting her house and reading about her, she's become an even more interesting character to me. Now I HAVE to see it.

You've been everywhere, haven't you?? Haha that's so awesome. Do you have the same username on Shutterstock?

Yeah, you need to see that movie. She was such a strong and inspiring woman...

Haven´t been everywhere at all but it´s on my list haha :) Yeah, same username on SS. This is the picture I mentioned:*cWFPQlRBWiUyQlVyQ2U2cldVNDI3JTJGb3ZnMk15RlcybDhQYlpkTkdCMDBqUzhKTG83N2xtZW1KUSUyRlUlMkJWaDJRaiUyRjM5VTZ2UUdwelpsckdFRk56Rm5iSVJ6dDFZeXRCRExTN1J0TmxhUHVFZmFoTXZJcnlDSDk0YmxzenFoRDNYUSUzRCUzRA..


Very cool to see you have a hit.wishing you more of these and maybe a crypto moon shot to go with it (HIVE to $5?) 🚀

Thanks mate :) Well, a $5 Hive would be a total game changer for many of us here. Being a Hive fulltimer would be a real thing again. Hopefully soon :) Saludos!