I think wherever you live, it'll get kinda boring or well... normal, to see that same part of town/city/home every day. Aside from that, I guess it depends on what you value and enjoy most in life. For me, it's peace, quiet and nature (which changes loads with the 4 seasons). It's what I need to function and not burn out. For others it's the hussle and bussle of a city, hanging out with friends, visiting clubs, restaurants, etc. I get tired even thinking about such a life and wonder if that, too would get boring and mundane when done too often. Same friends, same clubs, same music...
I think the only way to avoid boredom is to challenge yourself and do or learn new things. Visit new places. That's something you could do anywhere, wherever your home is. Especially now, with plenty of transportation options and ofcourse, the internet.
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Absolutely I couldn't agree more