Hmmmm.. what do I do during the week? Well WORK of course, prior to March I spent most of my time in the office
Some days I get to go on adventures
Weekends are for cleaning, yardwork and relaxing
Or whatever life throws at ya!
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You live IN a golf course? You ought to compare 'tough life' stories with @scubahead. Holy cow.
That's a pretty impressive screen set up. The honest truth is I could never, ever figure out the necessary switching set up so I'll just muddle along with one. Sometimes that is too many...
I love my 3 screens!! Can't work with just one now. I have been working from home a lot lately on a laptop and I so miss my office setup!
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It's an impressive set up, no doubt. I'm sure I'd love it when I'm doing research for a project and switching tabs just doesn't get it.
I only work on my laptop when I'm on the road. I'm a bash typer, I learned on a manual Underwood and I can NEVER make the sensitivity heavy enough to keep weird things from happening.
The consequence of that choice is that I have to spend a day upgrading my laptop before I can go away :)
You must be the most important person in the world! Three computer screens? Are you sure you're not Skynet?
You've got a fairly large yard so I guess you'd be forever taking care of it, mowing, picking up leaves, cutting stuff and with the big fella gone someone has to do it. It's a nice looking spot though and I'd imagine a good place to chill when all the work is done!
3 screens makes life so much easier when comparing quotes, searching vendors, and the millions of others things I do in a day.
Yardwork is my biggest chore and never ending battle from April to October. We do some during the winter but usually thr stuff we let slide all summer.
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I have two, so clearly am not doing as much work as you...But that's ok...I'd be ok with one if it reduced the workload! :)
We are fortunate in that we don't have sever winters, in fact, our winters can be very beautiful. We yard work all year round really, except in the real heat of summer...It's just watering then, and lawn mowing.
tokens.Great job @pooky-jax
Now do a post on your blog about that bridge you help maintain. The one you toured with that most awesome hat on... Lmao

There is an answer to a question. I wondered what that internal gear that's right behind her went to. My first thought was a spillway gate on a dam, but there's an air gap visible. Now I know. I told you I was curious about stuff :)
This is the Bridge of Lions. I went up and down each of the towers and across under the drawbridge.

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She is the lady that buys anything they need for maint/repair. Basically she goes shopping every day and gets paid for it.
Shopping with other people's money is the way to go!
Why don't I have a cool job like this!
Oh yeah, I'd like to see that! Cool looking bridge, but that hard hat...Epic.