how much does this thing cost anyway?
I'm here looking in my old notes right now. I kind of remember I had the info of the price at some point. Gimme a little more time to find them. Since @bearmol is also interested to know the price and apparently he is willing to purchase one for him and also give us one to me and another to @zellypearl as a gift. :D
Back to the FutureIf I had the money 💰 I’d certainly consider buying one of these. However @por500bolos seems to have the price shrouded in secrecy so we may never know how many Hives it takes to hover around like Marty McFly on this modern day gadget. Who knows maybe @por500bolos actually has one already. What do you think @zellypearl?
Lol, well, I don't think he does anyway
You have to get that price quickly 😂
He will gift me one too