High school memories:weekend engagement 215

High school always comes with lots of memories because during this time, children turn to adolescents and will want to behave as adults. This is also a time when opportunities will be given to them during their fifth year (senior secondary II) to govern others as prefects. Let me share my high school memories.Happy weekend, friends of the #weekendexperiences community! This topic took my mind back to the unforgettable events I had during my high school days (secondary school days).

Back then in school, I wasn't a border because the amount for borders was high, so since my home wasn't too far from school, I was going to school as a day student. I vividly remember the day it was getting close to the Christmas holiday period, and we wrote our last exams that day. I was going back home with my friends and classmates when we encountered masquerades on our way. We took to our heels and ran like we were on a racing competition. Some of us ran into people's shops, and some ran to people's compound for safety. We were rescued by one of our teachers, who called us out and escorted us till we reached our destinations.

During those days, many teachers and students knew me because of my middle name, "Nwanaokwo," so many teachers and students find it funny because they don't understand the meaning. Some think it is an Igbo name, but it is an Efik name, which means "doing things for yourself." Apart from that, I was one of the intelligent students in school, and my favorite subject was biology, which made me go for a medical course at my university. However, I was also good at other subjects in school, and that made me popular in school. I was appointed as the assistant senior prefect because I was always well behaved and I was never a bully, nor was I reported for fighting, stealing, disrespecting, and others. So many junior students loved coming to me for help because I was not harsh or rude to them, and so many other prefects copied this lifestyle. It was an examplary life,and it made me outstanding in school. I really enjoy my high school years.Thanks for reading, and I am glad to be given this privilege to share memories of my high school years.
Images are mine.Here is my entry for the #weekendengagement topics initiated by @galenkp.



From the look of things you enjoyed your high school days, I can't remember much of mine though but then I knew it was fun as well.

Yes my dear,it is always fun,sometimes pictures can help you remember some longtime memories.

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