After a short time I am pleased to stop by here again, my cordial greetings to all! For me it is sometimes a little difficult to choose one of the topics proposed by @galenkp because I consider them to be quite good and different, which is why of course I will always come to visit here.❤️ But reading each one I identified with the first of them and it caught my attention because I lived it, being a very personal case.
Have you saved a life? (Animal or human.) Tell us the story. This must be a true story, not fictional. Remember to use your own photos.
I am a first-time mother and I have a 3-year-old son. I have always been very careful when giving him food. I make sure as much as possible to avoid having a bad time with him and him choking on exaggerated bites of food in his mouth. mouth, especially if it involves meat, even though being alone with him I had never experienced an experience as horrible as that. Of course, as everyone knows, there is always a first time, the story is as follows.
On a normal, ordinary day, while visiting my mother's house, some aunts were also there and I remember that at lunch time, my mother was giving food to her grandson, at that time I was taking a call when I heard far away a scandal, tears and screams asking for help, (help) At no point did I freeze and I didn't allow the shock to block me from taking action, the first thing I saw was poor first aid practice because it turns out that they were trying to remove the piece of meat by inserting their finger into the throat. which you should never, ever try to do because that will only make the person in this case my baby sink deeper and end up drowning completely, I acted immediately, luckily if I had knowledge of the issue, in one case Like this, the first thing you have to do is stay calm and never despair or make that fuss that I encountered because the only thing it will do is traumatize the baby and make the moment more difficult.
Step number one is to stay calm, the next thing is to place the baby in a prone position along the forearm, give him strong and quick blows on the back with the heel of the hand, (in my case it came out on the first try) which left everyone surprised and not only did I save my baby's life but I also shared the learning of how to practice first aid in a case similar to this one.
And you, tell me! Have you had a similar experience? How have you dealt with it? I read you in the comments.
Note: •Original Content. Own images, cover designed in Canva.
It's amazing how many times a simple thing like this turns into a tragedy. Panicking is the last thing one should do so it's good you stayed calm and proceeded to deal with the situation logically. Well done and great post, thank you.
You are right, it is like that. I don't even want to imagine what it would have been like without having been there. but fortunately everything ended well and it was nothing more than a scare. Thank you very much for being here. a hug my dear friend! @galenkp
prima. Aquí es importante resaltar que siempre es bueno estos cursos preventivos porque uno nunca sabe cuándo lo puede utilizar y lo otro es mantener la calma aunque no es fácil en estos casos . Buen post y buen mensaje, Felicidades ☺️🌹💛❤️💕Saludos sobrina Génesis @proymet , estuve ahí cuando sucedió ésto, estuvimos reunidas compartiendo cuando de un momento a otro cambio todo, fue un instante muy tenso porque por más que se le hacía para que el niño reaccionara no lo hacía y se estaba poniendo morado, a Dios gracias Génesis mantuvo la calma y puso en práctica lo aprendido y el niño reaccionó. Después lo vimos jugando normal con su
Wow! I only watch these types of experiences in movies or medical videos. Your own experience is the most recent after so many years, and feels close to home because of the way you've told it. Sorry you had to go through that. The way you handled it is impressive though. I know I would've been frantic, if I had no prior experience.
Greetings friend, thank you for your pleasant visit and yes that moment was really a little scary but at least I immediately knew what to do and everything went well.
Big ups!