"I wish I was invisible so I could..." [Week 136]

"I wish I was invisible so I could..." [Week 136]


Divisor morado.jpg

Of the proposals given by @galenkp, I was very attracted to the one that gives title to my post.

"The complete weekend
Complete one of the following sentences (you can do more if you like) and explain your response in at least 250 words - Use images you took yourself if possible. Use the phrase you select in the title of your post."

  • I wish I was invisible so I could...

Divisor morado.jpg

There comes a time in life for some of us when we just want some stability, a dog or cat and to be away from complaining.

Since I was little I have been inclined to be a solitary person. I enjoy my solitude, my space and my time. I long for that moment when I can go home and be alone.

I don't think I'm very good at performing in public and to be honest, I think I enjoy not being one.

That's why:

I would like to be invisible so I don't have to force myself to say hello to who I don't want to or don't feel like saying hello to.

To just walk without stopping, without looking sideways, ignoring what I want to ignore.

I would love to be it so that if my day is gray, I don't have to talk or answer anything that people need to attend to on my behalf.

Likewise I would love to be one because it would be part of the remedy against that negative pride that can sometimes lead human beings to give of themselves, but to be seen, acknowledged, approved and affirmed.


It also attracts me to be so I don't have to give explanations of why, where and when I did or said anything.

To do a thousand silly things like pouting and prancing without looking like I've lost my mind. Also, I would go down the street in my pajamas or home clothes, no matter what their condition.

It would be great to be able to walk around at night in the middle of a forest or a place, even if it's dangerous without fear of something hurting me.

I could actually stop being in many places and no one would notice. There I would continue to practice what life has taught me time after time, no one is indispensable.

God! Finally, I can say that this idea of being invisible is quite appealing to me, because, I am sure it would keep me safe, confident and calm, keeping away that person who sometimes causes me difficulties.... Me 💜



Banner created in Canvas

Text of my authorship. The photos are my own, taken with my phone Realme 7. Editing in InShot.

Splitter created by me in GIMP 💟


Sin duda ese es un supr poder que todo podríamo usar a gusto. la verdad es que en muchas ocasiones desaparecer sería la mejor salida, lamentablemente en el mundo real no sucede asi. Pero me gusto leer tu post y conocer un poco de ti. Sin embargo, no ser invisible tambien nos obliga a desarrollar sciertas habilidades que al aprenderlas tambien nos ayudan a disfrutar de la vida a pesar de nuestro propio yo. Un gran abrazo y que tengas un lindo día 🤗😉❤️

Hello my beautiful @marbrym 🤗 How are you? How nice to find your comment 🥰 Grateful that you took the time to read me.

Although not everything I write has to do directly with my life, it is a lot of fun and a natural anti-stress to let our imagination and creativity fly 💫 The weekly submissions from the community manager have helped me a lot in that regard, plus it enriches and gives variety to my blog 😻 I send you a big hug 💟

Fue un total gusto para mi leerte y entender las razones que sustentan tu publicación. espro leerte en una próxima 😘😉

Well, there's nothing bad in being invisible, me too , I would love to be invisible in other to do things, that people me will not be notice, and again, I got to think again, if I'm invisible, is not going to be too boring.. hehehe, well I never can tell.

Yeah, some of the the things you mentioned here are actually what I will ask love, just passing by without forcing myself to say hello, but most times,I don't have any choice but to do that..

Yeahs, I wish I could be invisible too, so I could just enter anywhere I want go, without being questioned..

It's nice reading from you.

Hello beautiful @maryjacy 🤗 Oh yes, that would be great. Wouldn't it?

I don't know if it's happened to you that sometimes you don't even say hello 🙈 (because you're having a bad day). Well, on that day, I'd like to be invisible 😅 Thanks for reading me 💟

Yeah, there are some day I don't feel like talking to anyone, and I might be in that mood for a complete day..... it happens to me once in a blue moon..

Yes, it does 🙈 😂 @maryjacy