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RE: This weekend I found out I only have one year to live and I... - [WE116] Weekend-Engagement

in Weekend Experiences2 years ago (edited)

Jajaja!!!! Cómo me reí al final!!! Al principio me quedé muda leyendo, luego me dio rabia la forma en la que la bella Melina te soltó que tenías cáncer y que de un año no pasabas. Qué manera de decir las cosas, Dioooosss!!!! Y al final morí de risa!

Gracias por la invitación, ya voy a ver de qué va!

Un abrazo de fin de semana! 🌼💛🌼


Hi, Alicia (@purrix).
How wonderful to see your visit to my publication; it really makes me happy.
Your comment brought a smile to my face, I can tell you got into the story.
I swear, what I lived through was horrible, but there is always a wonderful God who makes you read his things.
Thank you very much for your visit and your beautiful comment.
Love to both of you.
Note: I have answered you in English because that's what the community requires.