Jajaja!!!! Cómo me reí al final!!! Al principio me quedé muda leyendo, luego me dio rabia la forma en la que la bella Melina te soltó que tenías cáncer y que de un año no pasabas. Qué manera de decir las cosas, Dioooosss!!!! Y al final morí de risa!
Gracias por la invitación, ya voy a ver de qué va!
Un abrazo de fin de semana! 🌼💛🌼
Hi, Alicia (@purrix).
How wonderful to see your visit to my publication; it really makes me happy.
Your comment brought a smile to my face, I can tell you got into the story.
I swear, what I lived through was horrible, but there is always a wonderful God who makes you read his things.
Thank you very much for your visit and your beautiful comment.
Love to both of you.
Note: I have answered you in English because that's what the community requires.