Haha boobs, you guys are so mischief haha remember boys, not all boobs take you to heaven...
Well, imagination is powerful and your's is just amazing, especially because it can take us to see what you're seeing as if we are there, also, every time you write about Dafty and the others, it always put a smile on my face, although I miss Sabrina!.
Ah yes your Sabrina, she was cute. Thank you Rebeca it is fun to write with a powerful imagination.
haha but you are in heaven whilst you have them 🤣🤣🤣
Was? Aww that's sad, she was very cute 😔
Haha Ed, you little rascal, no wonder Dafty and you get along so well haha the interview on read mad me blush 🤭☺️
Sabrina might have moved location to a different set of trees in the park, I shall keep looking.
What can I say Rebeca, Dafty is a naughty naughty rascal😁