I listened to myself than logic

I know it's good to be logical, when we want to do a playful joke, but to me, I think the last time I was logical in my life was a long time ago, tracing down to that very moment, I think it would be twenty six years from now.

At this my very age, I overlooked anything logical in my life, since the moment I came to understand that, logic can either be true or false, most of the things we were told are not true and I do not like it when i believe in something and then came to understand none of the things were not sure to be true.

In some occasions, we find out even the simplest truth is being regarded as false and some false are taking as the truth, and then finding out about it, would just make me confused, so I do not want to associate myself in that area anymore because I have had enough.

I have been told so many lie, although some people do not see logic as lies, but if something is not purely truth, what can we called it then? in my life, when I was a kid, and mostly the people around me where fond of doing it either, they just want to laugh sometimes, but mostly, it was on good purpose shaa, they were logical to me so that, I would grow up and take things importantly, when I came to understand it, I was like asking myself, "if any of them taught I was going to be stubborn when I would grow up, but here I am, lovely and cool....

Most logical words I was told as a kid were, in the angle of my family, I remember in those days, I was enlighten on the reasons why I shouldn't go out naked as a kid, to be frank, a lot of blah blah blah were said, during that young age, to wear a boxer was like someone was putting me in a cupboard and lock it then throw the keys away.

I was told, "if I should go out of the house without boxer on me again, someone is hidden at the gate of the house and he would wipe me on my buttocks very well, also, that it was announced on the television that a kid without pants might contact skin infection, and such kid would not grow taller in life" so I should stop doing it, meanwhile, when all my friends came to where we used to play a greater number of them were as free as a bird.

The fun facts about it was that, children in the rural area mostly go out without wearing a pants at that time, but when they grow up, it would be known to them, why they need to wear boxers, yet, with the logical words I was told by my people, I didn't enjoy this free time like others children's.

It was even me who took a lot of time trying to coach the others on the need to always wear a pants, so that they don't stop growing into nice looking men.

Yet, it was all a lie, nothing of such happens in life.

Thereafter, there are a lot of logical words in life, therefore for anyone who doesn't want to make mistakes, I believe it is nice to listened to his heart more than believing in those words that may not be true.

People gets carried away by what they were told or the things people assumed to be true, and if what they were told were so deep, they end up making a mistakes from it, logics are assumption studied given out to us so that we don't get into a terrible path that may corrupt our minds, but in life, our experiences served more than logical words.

I may be right, I may be wrong, they are all logical, but we continue to make our weekend exciting.
Thank you.

Image credit @repayme4568