
Some songs are, some are not. The listener decides.

Yeap, it true, because it all depends on us, how we view it, if we like it or not, and in real sense, some songs conveys a good meaning and some do not have meaning at all🤝

@galenkp, Happy weekend to you 🥰

Case in point;
Grease soundtrack - Summer lovin' Oh man that tune makes me want to rip out my eardrums and feed one to Travolta and the other to Olivia, although now I feel bad as she always seems so sweet, She was probably a crush at one time or another.

She's so wholesome, lovely and perfectly adorable, she's gotta be from England, right? 😏

Smart ass, she's an Aussie. But I get that you had a crush on her. Who didn't?

An Aussie, oh really, who knew? She always seemed so lovely! 😉

Who knew that swishing an ankle length skirt could be so appealing, not this guy haha.

Ankles are so sexy. Not as good as boobs though. 😂