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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 53: You in 20 words

in Weekend Experiences4 years ago (edited)

Dammit. Is it too late?

Whatyouseeiswhatyouget Empathetic Kind Creative Honest Anxious Capable Intelligent Flexible Adaptable Loving Generous Rebellious Independent Curious

I could only get to 15 and I literally ran out of words. I didn't want to cheat and read other people's or google 'words to describe yourself', plus, the 'rebellious' side of me refused to follow the 20 word rule, which the flexible side of me appreciated, because we should be able to change things according to need, but now the anxious side of me is fearing disapproval.

Fun challenge, gutted I missed it on the weekend. Given it's a long weekend here, that should still count though right?

Okay, so I had to edit this and come back!

I loved @melinda010100 's words, so I am choosing from hers (thanks!) and adding:

compassionate, nature lover, resourceful, friendly

plus I loved whoever put 'adventurous', so I'm going with that.

That brings me to twenty!

Plus, I'm indecisive and funny.


Not too late for you nutbag! Lol. There's still about 5 hours to run as I end it Sunday night EURO time usually.

I like your first one, ya bloody cheat. Whatyouseeiswhatyouget that's not one word. Lol.

I like your whole list though and it looks to be quite accurate from what I know about you from hive and Discord. Rebellious...Yeah, makes sense.

When one looks at this, 20 words about oneself, I think it can seem initially easy. But when one actually starts thinking...Not so easy. It's good to reflect like this though and the responses have been pretty fucking amazing to be honest. I wasn't sure how the topic would go but everyone killed it (In a good way.)

Thanks for getting involved you curious, capable, loving nutbag. Yeah, that's right, I added a 16th word...Nutbag.


I'm happy to be a nutbag along with the best of 'em here! I loved all the responses too - it's one of my favourite things on HIVE, this weekend engagement project!

Being a nutbag is generally a good thing. Life's too serious as it is so lightening things up with some fun is a good thing.

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