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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 62: Skills you have or want

skills: STand up paddling boarding, yoga, gardening, cooking


Non skills

Painting, undoing screws, nuts and bolts of any kind, opening a door with keys, getting lids off jars without dropping them on the kitchen floor.


I have tried out a lot of skills during the lockdown in 2020. I found out I could cook and fish too. So, every other morning, if inherent in the kitchen, I would be in the swamp casting my hooks 🪝 for the huge catfish. I did caught some and ever since, I haven't let go of that skill. Fishing is fun.

if inherent in the kitchen, I fish for lids..

Fishing skill is just too simple except going to the sea to do it.

Fishing isn't as simple as you presume.

To me fishong is simple, except when you proceed to the river. This is where I cannot follow you to.

I'm not in the least bit surprised about your skills but let's address the elephant in the room...Your non-skills.

Painting: You're a nutbag.
Undoing screws, nuts and bolts of any kind: Nutbag.
Opening a door with keys: Nutbag
Getting lids off jars without dropping them on the kitchen floor: And...Nutbag.

Just kidding Rivvy. You're ok.

Take a look at my #whatsupwednesday post from a couple days ago if you get 3 minutes to skim it.

My husband also thinks I'm a nutbag, so I'll take that. Now where did I put the lid to the vegemite....

Seriously. They just fly out of my hand. Jamie just laughs every time. Neither of us know how I do it. 'Where's the lid' is a daily phrase in this house.

And whenever I offee to paint anything, Jamie says: please don't.

Could you get a more manly photo for your cover image?


 4 years ago (edited) 

Riv...Nutbag! Yeah you!

Haha, that last comment and gif. Yeah, it's a bit that way huh? Captured myself in a rare moment of manliness.

You should update the community tag on her name, just sayin...

It has been considered. She would not mind.

I always wonder how people balance on paddle boards. It seems so difficult to me 😄

Hey, those are some sweet skills you have gotten yourself. About the other things, can I say you're clumsy yet you do some stuff that requires a lot body control? It is a little bit vexing, but hey, I can play instrument but I can't sing even if my life depended on it. So I get it. 😂

 4 years ago  

I can spot priorities from an ocean away. Tightening hardware is overrated.

If you are not careful, you will drop down and infact fall. Except of you are to paint without the paint dropping down..this one is a great skill. I knew of someone who can paint large hall without seeing single paint on the floor.

I did paint a wall once drunk. That did not end well.

I think if you try it again, it will be great without a drop in tje floor.

Yoi have lots of skills. But, you should have one particular one you so much cherish. Anyways, you skills are superb