Shopping only feels good when you have the budget for it, but if there's none, it's a headache, and it's a massive one. The feeling that you already need to get this and that for tomorrow but your wallet is not yet ready, lol - that's a total nightmare, I tell you.
The other day, I noticed that I had already used up my detergent powder and fabric conditioner, and I also noticed that my shampoo was about to run out too, so I added that to the things I have to buy. I thought I should look at it online to check if there's a cheaper version of those. I usually get a detergent and fabric conditioner in a small pack because I can control my use of them compared to those in the bigger pack, but when it comes to my shampoo, I already switch to the bigger one because I am trying to look for a better-suited shampoo for my hair, specifically for hair loss that can make my hair stronger.
But after some thinking, I decided to just buy those items I need at the nearby shop because, aside from being closer to our house, I can also get them at a whole sale price, especially if I buy half a dozen of each item. And I also switched back to my old shampoo, which is cheaper and also in a small pack, so back to my old things again. I am on a tight budget right now, and this is the solution I can come up with.
As for the shop where I will get those, it is actually not our favorite shop, but that is a closer one to us, so it is more convenient to buy at that shop, it is like 10 steps away from us. Actually, we have a complaint about that shop too, yes, not just me but also my oldies, but because it is the closer one, we always end up buying on them. We only have one complaint about that shop, and I find it really ridiculous. When it comes to their pricing, they easily increase the price of items, like how they easily change clothes every day, it's not an exaggeration.
I remember asking for a price for this particular product, but I was short on money at the time, so I decided to get it the next day. But then, when I go back and ask again the next day, they tell me a different price, which is higher than what the sales lady told me. From 38 php to 40 php, an effing 2 php increase, like WTF. Of course, I complain about it, but they stick to that price. No choice, I still buy it because it's a hassle to visit another shop that is a little far from home. But since then, I just stopped buying anything from them.

Anyhow, we have another shop in our area that is also closer to our place. I think it takes 2 to 3 minutes and is in the opposite direction of the first shop I mentioned above, and as you can see, it takes a minute to get there, but on the first one, in a matter of seconds, you can finally get there. But, in terms of prices, this shop is so much better than the first one, which I really like. And in this shop, no one will follow you around like you are a criminal that needs to be monitored. I really hate it when someone follows me when I shop.
Although I know that it's also for our own good especially if we have question about thr product, still, it is really uncomfortable for me. That is why sometimes, when someone follows me around, I will just go outside and look for another shop. How about you? You hate that too, or it doesn't matter to you if they follow you around? And, by the way on this shop, they also have this membership card, which you can present every time you purchase an item. I think they have that reward system here, I'm not sure. But it's a good thing for those who often do their grocery shopping.

And every time you get to the counter and pay for the item you purchased, the first thing they will ask is, "Do you have a code, ma'am?" We are not members, so we often say, "None." Anyhow, it is a good one and a great advantage, especially for those who buy in bulk. Another thing is that this shop has air conditioning, so we tend to stay in this shop longer than in the previous one. I mean, who doesn't want to stay in this place when they provide a good service to their customers, especially in this hot weather?

Welcome! Welcome! They also have a guard inside that will open the door for you. But there are times that you have to do that on your own, especially if they are very busy. And as you can see, there are people inside already, and I saw more people come inside. The church is just across the street, so people who just step out of the church go in here directly.

One thing you'll notice when you get inside is that it's very small. But it has a second floor where you can check for more items. I think they also have clothes and footwear on the second floor, but the last time I checked, those were just leftovers from when they were just newly opened years ago (≧▽≦).

People prefer to shop at the grocery store (on the first floor) here than to buy other things. And I think no one will buy those clothes on the second floor because they are an old design already. Well, that's what I remember from the last time I went there. I can't remember it, but it was around this year too.

Anyway, me and Mama started to look around to get her things. I also started roaming around, checking each item on every shelf. But my favorite shelves here were those with biscuits and junk food. I am really tempted to get one of each, but upon checking my wallet, I can't afford them right now (≧▽≦), so maybe next time.

I also want some canned goods, but I am avoiding them, so I shake my head and walk over to where Mama is. It's better to stay away from those things than to get tempted to buy them, lol. So I walked to where the detergents were and started counting them. Mama is still busy picking things up. She actually needs just a few things, but she takes her time looking around, which is favorable to me because I can enjoy the aircon inside.

Here's Mama, who wants to try a new soap for her skin. That's why she's checking if it smells good. The Silka soap she often uses is not available anymore, so she has no choice but to look for another one. She got the soap with the "Flawless" name on it, so I keep teasing here, saying that it's name is just to get buyers attention or something. In the end she put it back on the shelf and just gets her old soap, which is a Palmolive brand (≧▽≦).

Everything here is surely a delight to every shopper's eyes. Especially to those who do their grocery shopping every week or those who just get their salary. That is the best time for shoppers to just grab anything because, why not, they can get both their needs and wants. As for us, we do it when we run out of those necessities, and it could happen after two weeks or earlier than that. It could even take a month.
It really feels great to shop when you have the budget to do so. That is why I save money just for that. How about you?

Too many people! So we're done shopping and it's time to pay. Good thing they open up the third counter because if they didn't we will spend more time here than necessary, it's not that I'm complaining though, lol.
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Ganyan rin sa amin hhahaha, meron rin kaming supermarket sa bayan. Ang mahal kasi kapag nasa tindahan
Diba, grabi magpatong ng tubo yong iba, kainaman na ay.
It's nice na mayroon kayong ganyan ate na malapit. Very convenient talaga ♥️🥰 Sana magkaroon din kami ng ganyan, malayo kasi sa bayan tapos mahal pa sa tindahan. 🥰
Sana soon, magkaroon. For sure laking ginhawa nyan sa inyo if ever.
I love grocery shopping too. Mostly on weekends, my mom and i go to grocery to buy our necessities. I usually go to their tea and coffee section to check if theres anything new in display.
You are a real coffee and tea lover checking those thing first. So you also love to try new coffee or tea?
Ito talaga yun eh! Kaya every payday lang ako nakakapag grocery the rest sa suking tindahan nalangs.
Hahaha dibaaa, ang saya saya every payday tas pag u os na, ay wala na. Saidin lahat ng pwdng masaid hahaha.
That's why it's good if the store is nearby, because it's easy to buy our necessities at home. Thank you for sharing maam
So true, buti nga po malapit sa amin, lakarin lang oks na oks na.