Hello Galenkp! I share several of your thoughts about trying to give things more life, I don't like buying and throwing away and being in that cycle constantly either.
Where I live there is some furniture that was already here when I arrived, it belonged to the previous owners of the apartment.
They are too big for the space in the living room and I have often thought about throwing them away to have something smaller that would add more space to the room. They are so big that they cannot be taken out through the door, it would have to be through the window.
But it doesn't occur to me to throw away something that has a useful life and the furniture is very comfortable, that is another plus point for the furniture hahahaha
Society is trained to throw things away, to get a new thing, to spend when one doesn't really need to and replace things that are in perfect working order. It's wasteful and irresponsible on many levels, but that's what consumerism is all about I guess. I don't buy into it.
Throwing something out when it works perfectly is it a good thing. Sure, there's cases where it's valid, but people are mostly looking for the dopamine hit of purchasing and I think there's better ways to go.
Thanks for your comment.