Three items I can't do without

Good day everyone,

It's Tuesday again over here in Nigeria. And after the stress I had to go through for the past few days in school I never expected I would have time to be writing here on the blockchain.

I haven't been active on hive but as usual I was briefing through different communities and accounts on the blockchain ,then I saw this wonderful weekend challenge by @galenkp and decided to also jump on it. I had thought about writing on option 2 but I didn't have enough clue or points on it so I went for the one I could easily answer the one I had much things to talk about one which is option 1 "Without items". I know we all can provide more than three items we can't live without,but in order not to disobey the rules I will be talking about the three most important items to me.

A book

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I just can't imagine life without books. As for me, life without books will be meaningless. Just imagine a student not reading his books and except to pass during exams. These days I have had to atleast read a book a day be it a notebook, a textbook,a novel or even a story book. I often visit the school library to borrow books to read at times or read them there during my leisure time. Reading helps in exercising the brain,and it helps me to relax as well.

Bluetooth Music box.

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If there is one item ,I can't do without then it's the music box. This is not because I can't afford to get myself earbuds ,earpiece or even an headset for listening to songs on my phone ,but these items often make me have slight headache and sometimes ear pain. Instead of having to go through all these i make use of a music box which could be placed on a table and I don't have to put directly into my ears for listening to music. I find it very hard not listening to music in a day. Music helps heal the soul and it helps to keep me in a good mood.


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This is a very important item in my home and I am someone who always love looking at the mirror. I look at the mirror over five times a day this is not because I am really that handsome but because I love and I appreciate how God has created me. I make use of the mirror in brushing my hair, creaming my face ,trying out my clothes ,washing my face and so on. So for me,the mirror is something hard for me to live without.