It has been a long time since I wrote on a weekend experience topic since I don't have that much wiggle room to write multiple post in a day so I need to prioritize but upon checking the topics this time, I find a topic I like to talk about or to rant about to be more precise on my terrible neighbor that would throw away people's trust and goodwill just to have a few bucks of money.
It all started at the height of Covid pandemic back in 2020. Due to the lockdown, classes were shifted to online and my neighbor's 3 children was not an exception. The problem is that they do not have an internet connection so they asked me if they can pay half of my internet bill just to share my internet to them. I say sure, after all, Aside from my mom and sister, I only use the internet after work and during weekends and even if I let other people share my internet, there won't be any problem since my internet is quite fast. But rather than half, I only charge them 6$ per month for the 3 device that their children needs for online class cause that will be way cheaper than paying half of my bill.
For the first 10 months, they were paying on time and the amount of device was even increased by 3 more devices since my neighbor's sister temporarily moved in my neighbor's house due to her pregnancy so now, they are paying me 12$ per month which is still less than half of my bill. However, with the following months, it became hard for them to pay on time which I don't really care as long as they pay what they owe to me but with the last seven months of the lockdown, they were not able to pay me for a single month. Never did I expected that they have no intention of paying for those last months.
For the next 8 weeks, I kept checking on them about their payment only to hear their excuse that they are just waiting for her sister which at the time has already gone through child birth and has returned home to send money in order to pay me, implying that the reason they cannot pay is because of her sister. But one day, I learned from my mon that my neighbor has already received the money from her sister and just didn't pay me. With that, I decided to finally removed my neighbor's device that was connected to my internet and told them that I will only reconnect it whey they paid what they owe me but perhaps because I have outlived my use, my neighbor has no more plans in paying me so they always try to hide whenever I come to ask for payment.
Eventually, I stopped coming over to their home to ask for payment to avoid wasting my time for nothing. Instead, I just renamed my WIFI for everyone that would check for internet connection to know that my neighbor doesn't pay me in order to force her to come to me to ask to removed her name by which she did come and told her that I will only change it once they pay what they owe me. Some may say that it was petty of me to resort to this but when a person doesn't want to talk, what else can I do? Fast forward to 2025 and the WIFI name remains unchanged.
For me, that amount of money was pretty much negligible but more on the lies and the time that is wasted and if we think of it, it was thanks to me that my neighbor's children got to survive 2 years of online classes and this is what I get for that, to break the trust and goodwill that I have for a few bucks of money.
Set aside the cats, what you see was the back door of my neighbor's house. Could not show the rest of the house cause I do not want to dox them regardless of what they did and to avoid indirectly doxing myself, living just next to them. Their back door has been rarely opened to the point that grass grows on the stair just so they can continue to avoid me.
Anyways just got reminded of this song about annoying neighbors so might as well include it here.