The idea of size is something that almost always comes up within a gathering of teenage boys in the hostel.
At that point it's just pure curiosity, growing up with your own private stick and just suddenly your put in an environment and you see tens of sticks everyday, you're sure to notice the differences and sometimes compare.
Staying in the hostel for 3 good years, it's a no brainier that I've seen different shapes and sizes, and although I usually shy away from such conversations I have been present when comparing the biggest dongs around.
I was the only lad from a family of 3 boys, so I never cared at that point about the size of my dong. It allowed me to pee and that was all there was to it, yet the hostel blokes "educated" on how the biggest dongs are what girls like, and so the measurement and ranking of dongs began.
Years later, and I've now understood that it wasn't all encompassing as big is best. Even more so, I've come to understand that at some times, I really don't care what the girls like if it makes me uncomfortable when the girls aren't and are there.
I'm 'lucky' enough to be on the big range, and ohh now quick the luck can turn sour, almost as quick as it can rise on the most unreasonable and most unwanted of situations.
The fear of standing up and having to explain without actually having an explanation of why there's a bulge in your pants in class, at the bus or any public place that there shouldn't be any bulge in your pants.
Then there's the underwear issue, a massive unexpected increase of size in an unfavorable underwear can cause numerous types of pain. Imagine this happening when talking to a friend, particularly of the opposite gender and that's a rather dire situation that I've found myself in one too many times.
My unique appendage have made me quickly lose love for the skinny jeans and the speedo's, going after the baggy or loosely fit type of threads so even if there's an increase in size, it'll be a personal secret and discomfort would be minimal.
Then if the size does matter when actually doing the deed. Apparently it does, it really isn't something I'll be able to say for sure obviously because I'm not on the receiving end.
Regardless it's not all about size, as one can just be hammering through and be causing more harm than good with his weapon of mass destruction.
I would actually prefer a lass that's well endowed, but it's really not a deciding factor for me, from numerous friends and just by simply looking I can tell the amount of discomfort some my female counterparts who are on the big size have when dealing with their load.
Yet would I trade my dong for a smaller one?
Not a chance, I've grown accustomed and indeed I'm a bit proud of my size :^). I think I've ranted long enough so I'll close with this.
In my opinion, size does matter, but it's not all that matters, and to be honest it doesn't matter all the time.
My Instagram page.
seki with the big d. happy for you that you are proud of your size. everyone should love themselves~