hola estoy nueva en esto pero me gustaria invitar a Richard Gere ya que me parece una persona q apesar de estar en el mundo de la farándula en el cual no se es fácil mantener el equilibrio fisico y emocional, ha logrado equilibrar sus exitos y trascender su fama , para trabajar en su interior y lograr tener una mayor consciencia de el y del planeta...y eso me parece un ejemplo para todos.
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I'm sorry, I don't speak or read Spanish.
Hello, I am new to this but I would like to invite Richard Gere since he seems to me a person who despite being in the world of entertainment in which it is not easy to maintain physical and emotional balance, he has managed to balance his successes and transcend his fame, to work within himself and achieve a greater awareness of him and the planet ... and that seems like an example for everyone.
It means he is a good example of those who have strive to attain greatness.