Hmmmm hard to say though. What about those that had families overseas. no way to video call and stuff if your family is far away? I don't know if I'd be a fan of going to war and stuff either. I think during those times they caned and hit children in Malaysia haha. I wouldn't be down for that :(. I guess it's difference since you have lived during that time. You also have to think the medical and stuff wouldn't be as good either!
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Families overseas? Telephone!
War? There is perpetual war.
Caning children? I'm sure they deserve it:)
Medical stuff? There was certainly less cancer, dementia, heart disease, obesity and I never heard tell of Autism until about 20 years ago. May I rest my case?:)
but telephone is expensive no? and you can't see their face!
Ya there's still war now but it's like more voluntary. I think back then most people got drafted no?
Yes caning children haha. Not necessarily sometimes its small things. Nowadays I think it's easier if they just lose their phone or something digital as punishment!
well I think technology wasn't as advanced as well. maybe they didn't really know the causes of deaths or how it came to be and without any internet, the only way that information would get through to you would be through like word of mouth and books! with internet, people can get educated and know things beyond just trusting someone's word for it. I don't know :P
There's pros and cons. I won't say any time era is better than the other. I think it's just after the boomer time is like the spoild time xD. I'll admit i probably was spoiled and had it easier growing up than boomers and some other people.
Hahaha, you make it sound like the dark ages! We did have TV, radio and aeroplanes. And if you needed to send a message urgently, there was always the telegram. But I concur, each era has its pros and cons, though I think you will agree we were healthier and certainly saner than you kiddiwinks of today:)
To be fair though in the past, there were more untreated diseases, shorter life spans, and no real support for mental health. You guys seemed healthy because you didn't live as long? You get more health issues as you get older >.>. As for those with mental problems, you guys just had to deal with it or maybe just sent to prison because i don't think it was understood that well during that time? Also back then the crime technology wasn't as good lol. Like you guys could get away with serial killing way easier back then?
Now there is better healthcare and more knowledge in general. there is tons of brainwashing and rotting with social media. I think our generation has our own fair share of problems. Same story just different shit :D. With Ai here, we are moving to less labor jobs and more knowledge based and creative work.
I think it's a bit of a stretch to say healthier and saner :p. Not sure how genocide is sane :). anyways it is what it is. problems come problems solved and new problems will arrive for later generations. we improve and evolve as we usually do as our main goal in life is to survive and procreate. that's the ultimate natural instinct and goal of any living being.
Ok, Ok, in the interests of having the last word, I shall concede:)
haha no don't overthink it. just having a conversation! no winner on loser no concede :(
In the interests of having the last word I shall concede that there is no winner or loser:)