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RE: Am Back in Southern Spain (Andalucia) ....Alone for the First Time!

Your home is so lovely with such an amazing view of the sea. I love all your photos of the cacti and succulents and I know that is a lot to take care of by oneself. Thankfully you have so many to lean on for assistance. I am so sorry about your husband, that must be so difficult for you, especially having to come back to your home alone. Love and hugs to you. ♥


Dear @sunscape, thank you for your lovely comment. I did the trimming of the Agave, the last time I was here, it was a hard job, but it wasn't hot back then because we were here during the winter season. The main thing now was to get rid of the spined cactus austrocylindricaopuntia which I got in small size with beautiful flowers, little did I know that it is very dangerous because of its spine and it multiplied rapidly. Really glad that the whole lot was taken off the plot.

As far as my own self is concerned, yes it was hard particularly the first 3 months but as time goes by, I changed my mindset and began taking care of myself since my health suffered from the tragic event. I guess myself is healing now and say life must go on! Love and hugs to you from humid Andalusia!