Weekend-Engagement Concept [WEEK 123]: ¿Is there something worse than dying?

in Weekend Experiences2 years ago (edited)

Hello dear friends and readers of this wonderful platform, I greet you with much affection wishing you success in all projects that arise in your personal life.

Today our friend and extraordinary hivers @galenkp , invites us in "Weekend-Engagement Concept Number 123" , to give you answers to 1 of the 5 questions that you have to answer. to give answers to 1 of the 5 questions posed, to give free rein to our imagination and thoughts, so to start this is the question I chose to make my writing:

"Is there something worse than dying? What is it and why do you feel it is worse? Explain your answer."

To really be breathing and live with health is a privilege and a blessing that not everyone has and in recent times has been more than evidenced, to be all witness to a pandemic that dragged with many lives. Each one of us has a family member, friend, neighbor or colleague who lost the battle against covid 19 and to be sitting here writing is a sign that we are fortunate to be alive, because life even with all its difficulties is still beautiful and wonderful.

However, to give more depth to the question, I do believe that there is something worse than dying and that is when we have to say goodbye to a great affection, but one of those that when you see them leave you feel that they tear your soul out.

I can say this because 7 years ago I witnessed the death of my own son. Do you think there is a greater love than that? Sincerely for me the love that a mother feels for her son is something that cannot be explained with words and in the same way to live to witness the burial of your son is something that for me was worse than my own physical death, because in a literal way I felt dead even breathing.

At that moment I felt so much pain, despair, anguish and desolation that in my mind I thought it was better to be dead, so I could escape from those disturbing emotions that were choking me. I walked because I saw others doing it, I breathed because my lungs forced me to do it and I lived because my heart was beating but my soul and my spirit was suspended for a long time, more than 1 year in that state of feeling dead in life.

At that time I saw death as the escape from so much suffering, however I had to search and find strength within the deepest part of my being, to try to be reborn and here I am, I am a survivor of pain and the most unnatural act as seeing your own child die.

Life will continue to be beautiful. In the same way there are people who do not find meaning in their lives. They are for various reasons trapped in a hole where they see no way out and where they feel that death, far from being something tragic, represents a relief and a door of salvation.

Today I say to you dear friend who reads me, if you find yourself in a circumstance where you feel that dying is better than being alive, I say to you that you should bring out all the strength you have in you, that you should rise again like the phoenix. You are a being full of resilience and you must face any event you are going through, and no matter how hard it may be, find the way out and do not let yourself be defeated, because life is a valuable treasure that not everyone has. There are those who no longer enjoy that privilege that you do not give value to today, and I understand you because I was also in that place and after hitting rock bottom, I decided to push myself with all my strength to the surface and decided to live in honor of my son, transforming my pain into love and strength, to show you that there is a light at the end of the tunnel and that you can see it too.

I also say to you who are around that person who prefers to die rather than live, to offer a helping hand, to help where you can, to be empathetic and compassionate, that mental health is something delicate and complicated for the one who has it destabilized and that a word of encouragement, a support, often can even save a life.

It is a pleasure for me to have answered this question from the bottom of my heart and as I always say: Thank you for reading me and never give up.



Me despido.

I bid you farewell.

Todo el contenido que se encuentra en esta publicación es de mi autoría, cualquier duda hacer mención a mi persona y con gusto les responderé @surglen.

All the content found in this publication is my authorship, if you have any questions, mention me and I will answer you @surglen.

Las Fotografías son de mi propiedad, excepto las citadas con su fuente.@surglen

Photographs are my property, except those cited with their source. @surglen.

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Hello dear friend @surglen, you are a special being and a resilient woman. You pulled out your strength and pushed yourself forward, that is very important. Also thanks to the help of your husband and your children who support you and are with you.
I send you a hug in the distance.

I've been trying to comment on this post for a few days now dear @surglen .

You are a survivor of grief, how strong that is! My respects because I'm sure it wasn't easy. Good to see you better, to see you smiling.

A big hug 🤗

Thank you beautiful, it was not easy and for anyone who goes through pain it is not easy either, it is in oneself to be reborn. No one can help you to get out of the hole, only in yourself you must find the strength and courage to overcome. Thank you for these words. A big hug.

That's right beautiful! I'm glad you made it and to have you here in this beautiful Hive community.

A strong hug 🤗