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RE: Weekend Engagement Week 200 - About the Meaning of Life and Plans for the Future

in Weekend Experiences11 months ago

For me it is also very important to prepare for the future, like you, I bet on the idea of saving in cryptocurrencies, although so far I do not have much, I wish in the medium and long term to accumulate enough to have a peaceful old age. There is an expression that says that drop by drop fills the water pitcher, I think that with perseverance and patience, much can be achieved, the best thing is to have a plan and stick to it.


That's very true. I totally agree with that idea. Saving in crypto, gold, or other assets is much better than saving in Fiat. 1 dollar today will be worth less in the future. While assets like BTC or ETH, will continue to grow in value in the future.

That's exactly what I think, I have a lot of faith in good cryptocurrencies.