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RE: Put in - Get out

My personal experience is not from recent but from two years back when I was into gardening things. My mother and I were into growing everything which we were eating like if we were eating pomegranate then we used to throw those pomegranate seeds into our little garden at home. I still remember that pomegranate was growing but we have to left our home. We planted that pomegranate to a public place. I think I will go there tomorrow and I will capture a photo. But I am not sure it will be still there or not!


The pomegranate is a weird fruit but tasty. We used to have a tree back home when I was a kid and I always enjoyed eating those tasty little seeds. Maybe that one you planted is still there, it's worth having a look huh?

So, today I went to visit this pomegranate plant. It's in bad condition because no one is here to look after this plant. Either say environment or humans have done this with plant.

Wave Media

Yeah, that one looks like it's fucked.