All Hail The Threesome!!! Who doesn't love them? Dead people, that's who! You've got a nice roadmap lined up there, it sounds great and hopefully you come out of the threesome wore the fuck out lol
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All Hail The Threesome!!! Who doesn't love them? Dead people, that's who! You've got a nice roadmap lined up there, it sounds great and hopefully you come out of the threesome wore the fuck out lol
I have a feeling that come Tuesday morning I'll need another threesome to get over this weekend's threesome. Part of a threesome is a short working week though, so it'll not be far from the next twosome, only four days, and that's something to celebrate too. 😊
Wow, so many numbers😅's stressin' my brain cell😂
One brain cell...I like it, keeps things simple. You're a nutbag, in a good way like I am.
Want another number?
The number of hours left in my Friday work day. 😬
I can sense your excitement😜
3.5 hours now...but probably by the time you read this I'll be done. Yay!
nope lol
Lol...and do you get the impression I'm doing fuck all at work today? If not, here's a little hint on that matter...I'm doing fuck all at work today.