There was a surprise birthday party after all.
And it was good. Because while it was different and special, it was also relaxed and easy-going with not too many people, but good people. It was held at my wife's workplace, which sounds boring as hell. However, in Finland it is "common-ish" for workplaces to have a sauna area that can be booked by employees for various events, and my wife's has a far better than average space, which includes a well-equipped kitchen, lots of AV options, two saunas for men and women, and a pool - so we went from sauna to swim and back again several times.
It was the small group of friends that made it nice though, and this include children too, so there were games being played between the kids, while the adults talked all kinds of nonsense throughout the night. Catering was kept to chips and candy, with a main of pizza delivery, with drinking kept to a minimum.
At least for me.
Despite the "easiness" of it, it still takes a lot to plan these days to really do anything for a group larger than a handful, and it is far more expensive than it used to be. I get why people aren't having many parties these days, because even something like this costs hundreds of euros just to get basics. Put a few drinks on top, and it is not so cheap. But, it is nicer in my opinion to have this kind of thing than going out to a restaurant, paying more, and having a lower quality time.
Quality of engagement.
This matters to me a lot these days, but the setting doesn't matter much at all. The environment does have an impact on engagement though, because it influences the way we interact with each other. For instance, last night we were in the sauna with the guys, and the conversation is far more open and unrestricted than it might be in a restaurant, surrounded by strangers. This was the case even though a couple of the people hadn't met each other prior. In Finland though this doesn't stop them getting naked and sweaty together.
Visitors beware.
And while there were two "foreigners" in the group including myself, we have both been here long enough to be comfortable with this kind of environment. And while Finns tend not to be that talkative with strangers, in the sauna with a beer or cider in hand, there is plenty of engagement, and the conversations can get far deeper than they would otherwise.
Anything to take the focus off the nudity perhaps.
It was just a nice evening, so I don't really have that much to say about it, other than I appreciate the effort my wife made to organise it and spend her "one booking a year" (it is very popular) on me. And also to the guests who took their Saturday evening to spend the time with us. Having the pool and sauna s available made it worthwhile for them too I think, because it was a bit of a different way to spend the evening than normal.
Now I have a few bottles of wine and a bottle of gin to offer the same people when they come and visit in the future.
Although a bit tired today, a good weekend so far :)
[ Gen1: Hive ]
It sounds like it was a really good time for you and that is cool that your wife's workplace has all of those amenities. When work people get together from where I work, they do everything they can to be sure it is away from the workplace! I think small gatherings at homes are better for actually talking than things like this where you have other crowd noise, loud music, and generic cacophony going on.
Same here, unless it is a non-work event at a great place. Though, my wife's work has some decent events for their people and everyone comes for them just about. In the spring they will have a family day we will likely visit too.
And this is what I was hoping for, but it ended up being like that, but with all the other stuff on top. It was pretty cool.
Sounds like an enjoyable time. Nothing beats good converstation in my opinion. As far as my weekend, it has been uneventful. Stil lworking on getting my wheels back under me after having a wonky week last week. Have contractors here demo and redoing parts of the bathroom. It should tkae them another couple days to finish things up. Other than that, just getting back to Hiving.
Are contractors reliable there? Here there are some great ones, and some crap ones, and it can be hard to know unless through word of mouth which is which.
Nudity and conversation in the sauna are perfectly fine as long as nobody breaks out the baby oil and rap music 😂. All in all it sounds like you had a wonderful birthday party and several friends to share it with you. Happy Birthday!!
It is like you were there! ;D
Let alone money, organizin such things need a lot oo efforts and there is always someone who bears all in the group :)
It was my wife for this one. My daughter did well keeping secrets though :)
I love surprise parties! They bring joy and amazing emotions!
I am not a fan of surprises - unless good :D
The way you tell it, it sounds like you had a great time, although traditional birthdays are usually broken, the important thing is that the birthday boy or girl enjoys it, besides, who cares if it was a little expensive, you only celebrate the birthday once a year. You deserved it
It was a good time and I am glad that we had it at the place my wife chose, because it was something memorable :)
good as well. I finished new art piece and now I am waiting for basketball. my favorite team will be playing against our biggest rival in Lithuania. This is naive hope but I still hope that a good victory today may inspire and motivate them to cling onto last remaining hope in Euroleague as well.( in euroleague we need to win 5 of 6 remaining games...No pressure, right?)
5 of 6 is doable, isn't it? ;D
I'm curious because there's no picture of the people who gathered at your birthday party!
I find it shocking that men and women bathe together in saunas in Finland!Dear @tarazkp !
Happy birth day to you!😄
men and women were separated last night in two different saunas, but it isn't uncommon for groups of friends to go together - even if strangers :)
Sauna, swimming, pizza, and good people, I don't think anything can go wrong with that 😍😍😍 Plus, I think the emm... nudity and deep conversations combo in Finnish saunas is very interesting, lmao
Nothing wrong with a bit of nudity.
yes indeed Mr Taraz Yes indeed 😎. I like your style
You had a wonderful time, having friends around and having quality conversation is awesome. But how do people get comfortable naked in public 🙈
The body is nothing to be ashamed about. ;)
Nice and engaging content with outstanding pictures
As always. Great read. 🎂🥳🎉