 3 years ago wife is also British.

I'm about 60% covered in tattoos—true story. ;D

Funny you're in Boston. My career took me coast to coast here. I've lived in I don't know how many states (+/- 30). During those days many fellas surrounded me from all over the country. Either I worked there or they worked with me and, statistically, and I mean this with all due respect to anyone tuned in from Boston, but they're the worst! LoL.

I have many brothers from Boston, I love my Boston brothers. Just sayin if there was ever an issue that came to blows or someone didn't show up at work the next day cuz they got locked up the previous night, it was usually the brother from Boston.

I probably shoulda stopped at 'all over the country.'

Well I don’t have that many tattoos about 15 but many are smallish

I plan to visit Boston this year with the wife some sightseeing for us and of course photo walks for me

And your description of people from Boston I have heard similar said about Kiwis aka New Zealanders lol

 3 years ago (edited) 

I'd love to see Boston. I haven't been to Mass. Jersey is about the farthest North East I've been. That whole upper eastern region of the states has eluded me. Haven't been to idaho, either, or either Dakota. That's about it.

So far everywhere I haven't had to work had been my favorite.

Lol at the places you haven’t had to work being your favorites
I am not as well travelled as you in the States have only been to about 15 I think

 3 years ago  

15 is more than a lot my friends. They all have kids.

Massachusetts your favorite? Been to California?

I wouldn’t say MA is my favorite but it is where the family lives

Yes I have been to California many times it is very nice

But to be honest if it wasn’t for the grandkids here I would have seriously considered retiring to Arizona

 3 years ago  

Funny. I had a house in Bullhead City most of my 30's. Three miles up-river from Laughlin. Another tax free state. And great Mexican food!

All my friends are still there, I grew up there in LA, my wife's family is in The Bay. It's a working state, though, retired people don't belong there. When we visit it's like ouch!

I hope I see that part of the coast some day. Have you had Lobster in Maine? Dude I can't stand lobster! Yuck. But I won't say I'll never eat it again until I try it in Maine.