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RE: The haunting prospect of my life

in Weekend Experiences2 years ago

You will. The human spirit has immense, unfathomable capacity to heal, I promise you <3

I know but I just want to cry it all out.

Thank you for sharing this video with me. I'm actually asking the same question she's asking but I guess the answer is; that's just life.

Sort: cry. Don't suppress it, 'cause crying can actually be really healing, and soothing. You need to let that emotion out, and you need to give yourself space to feel miserable. A couple years back, I went through a very painful breakup. I was devastated, and just would cry randomly over the next 3 months or so. But now, it's two years later, and I look back on it, and all that emotion is gone. I no longer wanna cry, even as I have compassion for myself as I was then, and I'm so, so glad it ended when it did.
One day, sooner than you think, you're gonna look back on it, and not wanna cry, and thank whatever you wanna thank (maybe yourself) for pulling you out of there when it (you) did <3

One day, sooner than you think, you're gonna look back on it, and not wanna cry, and thank whatever you wanna thank (maybe yourself) for pulling you out of there when it (you) did

This actually is my conviction. I'll cry in silence till I can't anymore and yes, Even right now I'm glad I pulled out the right time. It feels good somehow that I didn't go so far.

When all this is long past, you'll go further than you ever even imagined while you were in that bad place <3 Much love. Hope you're having a great week.