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RE: Weekend Solar Install with Battery Backup

Beautiful home even if it doesn't sit on the 40 acres or so that you had before moving.
I never understood why any homeowner in Florida didn't have a solar system installed.
You're hooked up now and not only will you be able to run everything off it, selling extra power back to the utility company makes your investment even sweeter.
Red tape is always a headache as the government, local or otherwise needs to know every detail of everything a person has going on. Plus they need to make a few bucks on all of the permits and the like.
It's amazing how little time the installation took. The fact that the solar company handled all of the permits and like had to make this project a lot less stressful.
Very cool that you were able to capture the installation on your drone, love the footage of the crew installing the panels.
The move was a big one, but before long you'll be feeling like a Floridian.

Wonderful post.


Thanks for the comments. Yes the 3 man crew worked their tails off, and not only knew exactly what they were doing, they seemed to know all the efficiencies and how to work together as a team. They had to go back and revise the plan diagram, as the install crew mounted a few panels vertical instead of horizontal, and the inspector had to exert their power and submit revised plan to match the actual layout. What nitpicking. Regardless, it passed the first round, now just waiting for the power company to replace the meter with bi-directional meter. And yes I would have been beyond irritable dealing with all that paperwork and research/scheduling of the inspectors, subcontractors and such. Very glad to let the pros do it. I am chomping at the bit to get it live and play with the software and analysis tools.

Inspectors nitpicking, isn't what they get paid for. 😁

Valid point, but flagged because the picture showed 3 panels vertical instead of horizontal? That's not even as big a deal as flipping your phone sideways. Connectors still the same just looks a little different from the street (and better). Not like there is any added risk or anything, I mean really. Bit of a rant this morning before coffee. Just because it added several days to the project including the weekend delay now that I was hoping to have to play with the software. I'll get over it I suppose, just irritating.

Rant on my friend. I dealt with inspectors for 30 years as I was In the construction business. From building houses from the ground up to siding and decks, inspections were always a game. Some of the building inspectors I got to know pretty well and after they realized that I did things by the book they would basically walk in, look around for a minute, and slap a sticker on the window.
With all of that new stuff, I could imagine that you're chomping at the bit.