The year was 2002 and it was not the best year of my life. Newly divorced, looking for a job in an unfamiliar city, far from my family. I felt lonely and overwhelmed. The great loneliness had arrived in my life.
When you are falling down the rabbit hole, making a decision during the fall "is not the best decision" I learned that over time. However, economic necessity pushed me to take that job "Customer Service Analyst in the auto claims department".
Today I wonder what the fuck I was thinking at the time, how a person with emotional problems and falling into the abyss of depression was going to be able to help others with their problems in the insurance maze, yet I did it and not only did I do it but I lasted 5 years in a job that I hated, not because of the external customers, but because of the internal customers, my obscure co-workers. They made my life miserable.
Dealing with the public and their problems helped me cope with my own, that was the easy part of my job; but my coworkers, they were something else. It was a world of gossip, ill-intentioned comments. I felt insecure in that environment. Anything I said could be used against me, and that was the case on many occasions.
In spite of doing my job well, filling vacant positions and giving my boss vacations, I was never promoted to the position of coordinator. Do you want to know why? I'll tell you why.
One day my boss called me into his office and in a few words told me that he was going to make me area coordinator as long as I told him absolutely everything my coworkers did. That was very strange to me. My response was withering. If the actions of my coworkers went against the fulfillment of their duties she would know immediately, however, I was not going to be part of that world of gossip that was handled in the underworld.
I was never given the position of coordinator and after that conversation I understood that the best thing I could do for myself was to look for another job, by the way, the best decision I made at that historic moment in my life.
Weekend-Engagement writing prompts: - 138.This story was written for the #theweekend community for their
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Life is one, so every moment counts. Do the best you can.
You could also implicate your coworkers if you had told your boss such things which in return would get you promoted but I love how you left the Job.
I do not like gossips too and most times, it leads to trouble and one would definitely regret.
Hello, it's the same to get involved in gossip and in the long run it brings problems.
I think we've all done jobs we've not liked and handled as best we could, as you have done. It's also good to see you made a decision to remove yourself from it.
Hello, yes it was a good decision at the time, although it took a while to make the decision, it was the right one.
Y pensar que el que se deja llevar por personas así, se convierte en un ser toxico, cargado de problemas ajenos, sin aportarse nada a sí mismo, que bueno que dejaste ese trabajo, la paz vale más que un trabajo que no nos guste, a veces lo tenemos por necesidad, pero bueno.... !!! Espero que este 2023 sea mucho mejor!!!
And to think that the one who gets carried away by people like that, becomes a toxic being, loaded with other people's problems, without contributing anything to himself, good thing you left that job, peace is worth more than a job that we do not like, sometimes we have it out of necessity, but good.... !!! I hope that this 2023 will be much better !!!!
You are absolutely right, sometimes we take a job out of necessity, however, peace is more important.
It's sad how often co-workers are a huge part of work misery. I use to work in places like this and it was like a torture. I hope you're working in a nicer environment now 💙
You know what it's like, torture. Before I quit I was so jaded that I didn't want to get out of bed to go to work, it was a punishment.
I can totally relate and understand you, fren 💙
Gossip among your co-workers can make you feel in an unwelcome environment, to think it lasted 5 years long, you are one strong lady.
Hahaha I was thinking about that, I spent 5 years in that job. At that time I saw no way out, I was like in a tunnel, but everything got better after I quit.