in Weekend Experiences3 months ago (edited)

Hey, fam it's Sunday and all I can say is I'm grateful to be back home. Finally, I finished my first-semester exam and all I can say is Thank God.

When the session first started, I was kind of scared because it was the class that would make us graduates of the national diploma we were undergoing. I kind of had to stop my online activities just so I could become focused. Well, it did help a lot because I became focused on my studies.
Now, we have already written one exam, and we are left with just one more before I can call it a quit for this particular school. Not that I would not go to the next phase of my education; of course, I will, but because that comes, I would have to take some steps, too.

So I decided to enter the weekend engagement for this week and I must say all the topics are so relatable and I kinda would have loved to write on them all, but I decided to do this particular one where I get to talk about my favorite toy as a child.

What was your favourite toy when you were a child? Explain what and why. Use your own photos.

Growing up, my mom always had this habit of getting us something whenever she was out in the market, and guess what she never bought us toys, she always said we usually do behave like boys and she said instead of buying us toys she would buy us edible stuff, well that typically my mom, okay we had this uncle who always wanted to make us happy every time, so she always bought I and my sisters toy cars, though my sisters loved it, I always knew it was something I didn't like and after playing with the toy car for a few days I usually did get tired of it.

Then one day a neighbor came over with stuffed animals, and she declared her intentions to sell them, I knew I was more of a stuffed animal lover than a plastic car lover. I devised ways to make my mom buy me this stuffed animal but she wasn't having it. till that uncle came around and I in my little sense told my uncle Udoh that my mom refused to buy me a stuffed animal, that was when my uncle marched me and my sisters to this woman's house and he bought us each stuffed animal toy.

I remember being happy and always wanting to take the toy everywhere I went, it was like I had won the lottery then, it was a very beautiful stuffed animal and I remember how I always fought anybody who took it without asking me, whenever my mom would wash it, I would go get it without even letting it dry well.

Hehehe, come to think of It was a very possessive child back then, I wanted what I wanted and wouldn't settle for less.

All images are mine


Congratulations on your exam👏

Hahaha, I guess she knew you guys would spoil it days after.
So you're one of those kids that held onto their toys like gold 😂

She knew o. But you know African mothers na

Thanks dear

Never mind that you were a possessive child (almost all of them are the same 😅), it gave me happiness that you had a toy that will thrill you like that.

Hehe, thanks for reading here