I have a dilemma, should I intervene or remain passive? WEEK 193

in Weekend Experiences8 months ago

I have a dilemma, should I intervene or remain passive?


If you have visited my posts in this huge community you might have noticed that I travel a lot both in my country and abroad, so the possibility of witnessing an attack on someone is quite high (I have to admit that there are countries where you don't even dare to think about it, being severely punished).

Usually, these actions take place in very crowded places or in more isolated places where there are not many people.

You know what's strange is a pretty high percentage of people are passive when it comes to intervening in such moments (if someone stole your phone on the subway no one makes a gesture).

Our decision to intervene at such times is a very important civic responsibility, now it depends at what times, but for the most part, yes, the prompt intervention of those around us can make a difference in the negative effect of the situation.

From my experience I can say that the world is very unpredictable, now we laugh and joke and in two minutes we are the biggest enemies, so we are forced to make decisions in a very short time.

The time has come to tell you what would be my decision in such a moment and the answer will be strictly for such a situation happened in Romania and not abroad (I have to write this because I went through such a situation in Romania so I can speak from experience, experience that I have not had elsewhere in the world).

My answer comes from my experience, so if I see someone attacked on the street I will definitely NOT intervene, but change my direction of travel in the opposite direction (the answer is strictly for the situation in Romania).

I will certainly be put to the wall by many people because of my answer but in the following I will justify my answer.

Some time ago I was the witness and the one who intervened in a life-threatening situation, at first I was filled with feelings of joy that I could help someone but the nightmare came a few days after the event.

I was initially invited to the police for statements (here I spent hours), I tell you honestly that at one point I had the feeling that I was the one under investigation.

After the police statements, I was questioned at the Court, here I gave statements in the presence of a criminal prosecutor, and here I had the feeling that I was the murderer.

All this went on for a few weeks until I actually lost my patience and told them that I felt terrorized and that I didn't believe that if I did a good deed this decision would be against me.

Unfortunately I don't have the pictures I took then so I'm thinking of an alternative.

If you liked what you saw and read here please don't forget to give a LiKe, Follow, reBlog or a Comment, for all this I thank you, and until the next post I say goodbye.

P.S. The attached pictures you have just seen are taken by me with my mobile phone, and the text is also designed by me.

Yours @triplug😉


I´m sorry to hear about your bad experience but still cannot believe that you would just walk away if you saw some extreme injustice like a bunch of drunks terrorizing someone innocent, a group of evil kids torturing a little kitten etc... I mean, yeah, it can bring some bad consequences for you too, like the aggressors can direct the violence towards you instead of the victim but still... I think I would intervene. I hate to see any kind of injustice. Interesting topic btw.

@tipu curate

This topic is very controversial, to intervene or not to intervene.
You know, you can't be indifferent when you face such moments.
But still taking into account the unpleasant situation I went through, I would think twice before making a decision in this regard.Everything I have written here is strictly related to whether this type of event would take place in Romania.

Anyway, it depends on the environment and even on the people.

Thank you very much for your support, I really appreciate it.

 8 months ago (edited) 

I did this topic as I wanted to make people think, put themselves into the situation of the person being attacked and the person who may intervene. It's not a simple topic as there's so many considerations, so many possible outcomes, and that's made even more complicated by the fact time is of the essence in situations like this.

I appreciate you being honest and for taking on the topic in the first place. Some may take you to task over the walk away answer you gave however you have given justification and besides, the decision has to come from the individual. You've had specific experience and based your answer on that.

Good post mate, thanks.

First of all, I'm glad to have the opportunity to put my ideas here and more than that, all my writings here are honest and in the vast majority of my experiences both positive and negative.

I still have a lot to learn and I am open to something new.
These writing topics are like a tennis ball lifted at the net, beyond the net it's us who choose to respond.

Have a wonderful Sunday my friend.

You're one of those who delve into the topic from a very personal standpoint and I really appreciate that. Have a good rest of the weekend.

Thank you very much for your kind and motivating words.