Job loss, a cause for sadness or a new start WEEK 235

in Weekend Experiences3 months ago

Job loss, a cause for sadness or a new start


Hello weekend friends

In today's post I'm going to address the situation of losing my job, a situation I went through a long time ago, and recently I also chose to quit my job, but in this case I had another very good reason.

In terms of losing your job, this is not an easy situation, now it depends on whether you were told some time beforehand or were taken by surprise that you were out of work.

Work is probably for many of us a second family, early in the morning you are at work and you stay there until after lunch or even later, so I can say that we spend quite a lot of the day at work.

So, in the field we work in, we put a lot of heart into making sure that what we do turns out exactly the way we want it to, which means we invest a lot of emotions, feelings and time, and when we are let go, we will definitely get a shock, knowing that you have invested a lot of resources in that job and the employer has decided that they don't need you anymore.

Even if you are pushed to one side, you don't have to get depressed or anything like that, in these moments you can see what good friends you have (if you have them, of course) and above all you should be aware that your family is close.

It was the same in my case, I chose to stay without doing anything for a couple of months after which I updated my CV and submitted it to several companies, but I didn't need to look for a job for too long because he found me(job), that was the situation.

Now you may ask, what did you live on during those two months when you had no income?

The answer is simple: during the time I was employed, a percentage of my monthly income went into an account I called the 'rainy day account'.

And that's how I found a job where I had stability (I have accumulated almost 11 years of work) where after so many years I decided that it was time to quit.

Why did I resign after so many years of work?

I wanted to take a few months off to enjoy the first days, weeks and months of my baby's life.

Dear friends, this is how I did it when I lost my job for the first time, at first I was sad because I invested a lot of feelings and time in my job, but I simply got over it and accepted it as a challenge and time solved everything.


If you liked what you saw and read here please don't forget to give a LiKe, Follow, reBlog or a Comment, for all this I thank you, and until the next post I say goodbye.

P.S. The attached picture you have just seen are taken by me with my mobile phone(Samsung Galaxy S21), and the text is also designed by me.

Yours @triplug😉


Rainy Days Account - that´s cool :) It was very wise from you to create this backup account. Now you can be with your family and don´t worry about the finances. Happy for you my friend! :)

@tipu curate 3

When you live in a country that can't offer you economic stability you have to resort to this kind of accounts, I don't know if you are up to date with the news in Romania, but after the presidential election process the Constitutional Court annulled the whole electoral procedure, it's a whole madness, uncertainty.
We are talking here about mafia groups, mercenaries, legionaries who intervened in the large-scale influence of voters' choices, but forget what I have written, I don't want to burden your memory with such things.
Have a wonderful week ahead, my friend!

I´m sorry to hear that the situation is so bad in your country these days :( Have you ever thought about relocating to some other country?

Even if the situation is gray here in Romania, I never thought of leaving behind what I have managed to build here in the last 15 years.
Here is my work, here is my father (he is single, my mother died in 2011), my in-laws and many beautiful memories and because of them I don't think I am ready to take this step.

Yeah, totally understand. It´s important that good people like you stay in their troubled homelands so that they can try to make them better places. Same like Venezuela, for example. I have many friends there and while I totally understand those who left the country and moved somewhere else to start a better life, I deeply respect those who decided to stay. I mean if all the good folks leave, there will be nobody to fix the problems that their homelands have...

Always the power of change is up to us, it's just like the power of the word, more the change has to start with us, someone has to be there to put the foot in the door, so if all the good people leave their country (just like you wrote), you can see how that country will transform😊

Good to always find a way to bounce back

Finding a way to come back depends on each of us and how much we want it, job loss can have a negative effect on us, but it is up to us to think positive and move forward without looking back.
Thanks for stopping by.

I wrote about the same subject. I also told about something similar to your rainy day fund, which I have maintained throughout my working life.

I think every judicious person should prepare for the possibility of running out of a source of income. 👍

Thank you very much for your comment, and yes, my opinion is that we always have to think that maybe one day it won't be the same, maybe we will run out of income or maybe much worse when we need more money one time either for surgery or for anything urgent.
At least here in Romania, when it comes to asking someone for financial help, you will hit a brick wall, so save up, because you never know when it will come in handy.
Have a wonderful week ahead!