My energy source
Hello everyone
After going through all the topics this weekend today I chose with my heart, and I'll start directly with the answer, yes I like kids.
How else could it be, especially as I am also a father of a four and a half month old boy.
I have only one regret (if I can call it that) that I didn't take this step a bit sooner.
But before deciding to become parents, I traveled for a long time (I think you can see that from my posts), I wanted to discover the world, and now, after so many years as a parent, I can't wait for the moment when the child will be ready to go away with the parents and discover the world together, in a threesome.
Up until a few months ago I was employed, I had a job, but since the baby was born I chose to quit my job so that I could be near my son in the first months of his life and, honestly, I am not sorry I took this step.
Now I jump from one to the other, when I was employed I had two colleagues who really didn't want children, as if children were something terrible.
Of course, I asked them, why don't you want to have kids, after all, you are already 46 (the other was 44), after all, who will carry your name forward and inherit what you will accomplish in this life.
The answers were not exactly what I was expecting but they were childish, even without any logic, that they don't like that it deforms their body or something like that.
But let's move on, it's their choice and I don't allow myself to judge them, but I honestly didn't think that such people could exist, I think about how many women want to have a child and can't do it, even if they resort to other methods they still remain childless.
Sitting next to my baby and watching him grow day by day I could discover that sincere look in his eyes, an innocence that I cannot explain in words, his first sounds, his attempts to tell us something (I think) through that little cry, God I melt for his sake and yes, I will be by his side as long as it will be needed.
Already at four and a half months he is already very curious, he looks everywhere, wants to discover everything around him, wants to touch things.
And yes, today I'll stop here and once again say out loud that yes I like kids, it seems that not everyone has the parental feeling, but after all I don't judge anyone, we live in a free world.
P.S.I edited the photo in PhotoScape.
Congratulations on being a new father!
Smart to do a lot of traveling before having kids. I'm sure it will be a little challenging to travel for the first little bit, until he gets a little older.
sounds like you are starting a whole new kind of adventure!
Thank you very much😉
That's right, we have started a new adventure, an unknown road, which offers us challenges at every step, but all in all it looks like it will be the adventure of a lifetime.