Scalpel and happiness, the path to perfection WEEK 208

in Weekend Experiences9 months ago

Scalpel and happiness, the path to perfection


I discovered this weekend another very interesting topic, that of whether we would resort to cosmetic surgery to improve our body.

The subject of cosmetic surgery is a very controversial one but until we get there many of us would like to go to a beautician but we don't have the money for such interventions.

Starting from the premise that not all people are the same, some of us, because of our physical appearance and in order to look better, resort to cosmetic surgery.

My opinion is that when we interfere with our physical appearance that we otherwise inherit, we turn into what we are not, we turn into that shadow in the mirror, maybe sometimes we even wonder who the person in the mirror is.


Yes I know, with the development of technology and social media networks a lot of young people are looking for perfection in front of the camera and the herd effect is taking hold.

I know young people who have had quite a lot of surgery just to look like their idol, just because they didn't like the way their nose, lips or other body parts looked.

With the help of cosmetic operations we can achieve a rapid transformation of our body, forgetting or not taking into account the risks that we expose ourselves by resorting to them.

I have seen many public figures on TV who have been effectively maimed by these interventions and are seeking justice through the courts.

The time has come for me to say that I would never resort to such interventions because I like myself the way I was left in this world.

You know that, at the end of the day, I am interested in improving my inner beauty, the beauty of my soul (if I may say so) and learning to think positively day by day.


If you liked what you saw and read here please don't forget to give a LiKe, Follow, reBlog or a Comment, for all this I thank you, and until the next post I say goodbye.

P.S. The attached picture you have just seen are taken by me with my mobile phone(Samsung Galaxy S21), and the text is also designed by me.

Yours @triplug😉


Your exploration of the topic of cosmetic surgery is insightful and thought-provoking. It's important to consider the societal pressures and risks associated with such interventions.

Cosmetic surgery can sometimes do us more harm than good, from what I've noticed young people today want to impress so they resort to all kinds of interventions that do not always have the desired result.

You are right. Cosmetic surgery is a pathetic and bad way of trying to improve our physical appearance. There are more natural ways of improving our looks. Even more importantly we can strive to cultivate the beauty of the soul and the character. Thanks for writing and have a great weekend.

I'm so glad you found yourself in what I wrote here and thank you so much for stopping by.