My Stick Figure Weekend

Okay, so before I get into my story, I going to state the obvious. I can't really draw. I can colour in quite well and doodle a little, swirls and spirals and the like. But ask me to draw and we'll my 6 year old daughter will do a far better job than I will and I'm okay with that. We can't be good at everything. But I do enjoy a good challenge and I'm very comfortable with making fun of myself, so here we go, with my attempt of describing my weekend using stick woman drawings.


This week I've travelled about 100km from where I live, to join my mother, my little sis and her husband, in a house we have rented just above Velez Malaga. It's on the outskirts of Canillas de Aceituno, a village which is just over 500m above sea level. The first couple of days we chilled at the house, as it has a pool. (A salt water one wt that). Then on Friday we went into the village to look around.

Thats what I'm doing in the picture above. The village rests on the side of
a mountain, so there were lots of steep streets to explore. Although I was the only one who wanted to walk up them. The rest of my family stayed on the plaza as I ventured up one of them. It was a hot day, so I don't blame them, but I can't help myself, I see a steep hill and I got to walk it.

And it was so worth it, the views were amazing. (Yes I took some photos, but that's for another day). Also, I love getting to wander off on my own, it's rare that I get to do so. So I'll jump at the chance for some alone time. I was only gone about 15 minutes but I felt so revitalised when I ventured back.


Yesterday was a beach day, which I'm sure you would have guessed by my artwork. Lol. Yeah, that's me swimming in the sea, in my element. There's nothing like the sea air and the water to lift one spirits. As I had my mum and sister with me, it meant I could swim without having to keep an eye on my girls.

The night before we watched Avatar 2, I reckon with my swimming skills (wink, wink) I could audition to be in the 3rd one. Well that's what me and my sis joked about, as we splashed about in the water. You got to be able to take the piss out of yourself in life, that's one of my secrets anyway. Laughter us by far one of life's best medicines.

So there you have, my attempt at art and my entry into @galenkp weekend engagement challenge. I was tempted to answer the one about my favourite country, but that would have been too easy and as it turns out, not as much fun.




Ok! I have to agree. My stick figures are 100 times better than your stick figures:)

Told you so xxxx

Haha why this is so cute, this is just like the drawing I can make, the best I can make, rather, lol. The beach day is cool, for sure you had a lot of fun swimming ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ

Your drawings are fantastic. YOu put in heaps of effort! I hope no one looks at mine. Sounds like you are having a lovely time.

Thank you beautiful xxxx

I'm glad you had a go at it, this topic was all about having fun and not taking ourselves too seriously. You aced it.

Cheers @galenkp, it was a lot of fun xxxx

I feel that as far as you had fun doing this, it's worth any Picasso work. I'm glad you could show off your swimming skills.😁🤗

We can't be good at everything. But I do enjoy a good challenge and I'm very comfortable with making fun of myself, so here we go

That's the spirit! Your drawing looks cute. It's clear that your inner child is very much alive :<)

Sounds like you had a good time and I can totally relate to the steep street walking. I love to challenge myself, physically and, not driving a car, that includes a lot of walking/ hiking and, these days, swimming and some cycling.

Un grande abrazo!xx

Big hug to you too Vincent xxxxx

A salt water pool sounds like a dream! Sounds like you guys are having a lot of fun. Enjoy your get together if you're still at it. <3 I agree, you gotta be able to laugh.

I miss that pool, it's even hotter here. But luckily the river is not too far away xxxx

I miss the beach! Awesome stick work, we can tell that you you're a natural 😃

Ah I wish I lived closer to the beach. Cheers Ed xxxxx