What Do I Know?

There are many things that I am passionate about, things that I have educated myself about, so that I can become more empowered. From a young age, I had this strong desire to prove my independence. I was so head strong, convinced that I needed no one else. So I began a wonderful journey, learning about natural medicine. I always felt a kinship with nature, so it was a natural progression for me to dive into her healing powers.


This is something that I have wrote a lot about on here, because I believe that it is important to share the knowledge that we have gained. I certainly found a wonderful community of people that share that same passion with me.

Almost everything I know, I taught myself, devouring books that I found in second hand shops or that were lend to be. I was also very lucky to cross paths with some amazing herbalists, who were happy to answer my questions, or affirm identifications. I took part in many trips to the forest, to the ocean, to mountains to harvest medicinal plants and mushrooms.

Medicine, that I have used successfully to heal myself and my children.


Ever since I was a child, I understood how healing it is to be in nature, to immerse yourself in her surroundings and just be. Nature has always been my sanctuary, the place I went to when I felt unsafe or insecure. I always felt held and understood. I felt free.

I can not imagine how my life would have turned out, if I did not have this relationship with nature, which empowered me in so many ways and gave me the strength to become who I am now. Some of the most important healing, comes from just being in nature, from surrendering to her beauty. To slowing down and observing and understanding that we are a part of nature.

A connection that we get to carry with us, one that helps us to keep us humble and grounded.


The more I delved into natural medicine, the more I understood how capable our bodies are of healing themselves, once we create the right conditions for them. And natural medicine does just that, helping our minds, our bodies become more in harmony. Then I had more faith in my own body's capabilities. Which then led me on the path towards natural birth. Which ignited another passion in me.

I hoped for a natural birth with my first child, but it was not to be. I did however learn a great deal about the importance of birthing in a space where you felt safe and secure, where you felt nurtured. Which led to me becoming a Doula.

Since then I have two natural births, with one of them being unassisted. Because of the faith I had in my own body, which is very empowering, I felt quite confident, birthing by myself. The power we hold within, is something that too few of us get to tap into. Simply because we have no idea how powerful we really are.


This is not something we are taught about in schools, in fact modern day education, takes us very much away from this knowledge, takes us away from our own inner wisdom. And this, this is a journey I hope to encourage people to make, a journey of re-connection, of remembering. A journey of self empowerment.

This is my response to one of the questions in the latest Weekend Engagement initiative. Where @galenkp asked the following ......

What is something you know a lot about? Is it a hobby, history, your work/job, health and fitness, nature? Tell us about something you know a lot about. (Cryptocurrency topics are excluded.)

I like to think that I know quite a lot about the healing properties of Nature, something that has and continues to have a huge impact on my life. Once you begin to explore the wonders of nature, you open yourself up to a whole new way in which you can live. I am, who I am, because of that.



THE WEEKEND communityThank you for your entry in the original #weekend-engagement concept conceived by @galenkp and featured in

The image belongs to @galenkp

I think most people know a lot about something, even if they don't know that they know a lot about something. You know? 🙂

Natural medicine is something I know nothing about however it's a thing, I know that much. I'm quite interested in it and have seen some documentaries about various things that feed the curiosity. I can understand someone heading down the rabbit hole with it. You know?

Thanks for entering. I really appreciate it.

Well that is a lot of knows! Thanks for the inspiration @galenkp, hope you are feeling better xxxx

Dare I say it...I know it's a lot of knows. 🙂

I'm improving, still feel second third hand but it's a step up from fourth hand. Thanks for asking.