I sit with my back against a tree and I feel the energy rise within me. I feel the connection flow, embraced by this majestic being. That inspires me and empowers me.
Trees provide me with medicine, simply being in their presence is enough to bring on healing. Then there are the leaves and fruits or nuts that bring nourishment and medicine into my body.
I live surrounded by olive trees. Whose leaves, when infused on water, aid the lungs. The branches bring me and my girls shade and the fruit, I harvest to be milled into oil, which we consume daily.
I have used the wood to heat my home and to decorate it. I am forever grateful for the beautiful Olive Tree and in return, I prune them and keep them watered.
This is a part of my life that I love, the relationship that I have with the natural world, that I have with the trees.
The trees, that are the lungs of the earth, breathing out oxygen into the atmosphere. We can not survive without them.
They also signal the passing of the seasons, keeping us intune and connected. For once you understand the natural cycle of each tree, you can learn to identify the season. You can also turn to them for guidance. By Observing how they respond to the changing climate, as we move through the year.
That observation can also really teach us how to nurture ourselves. Becoming aware of when to direct our energy inwards, just as the sap of the trees travel to the roots and then when to focus our energy on creating new shoots.
For nature is our greatest teacher and the trees are at the forefront of our education.
Trees are an intrinsic part of our lives, from a very practical level, to a very spiritual one.
Within Ireland, trees were planted on the burial grounds of the deceased, so that the spirit of those that had died, could live on within the tree. Co existing with the Dryad, the tree spirit.
The Ogham, is an old Celtic alphabet, where each symbol, that was written or carved, represented a letter and each of those letters also represented a tree. This alphabet was also used as a calendar, encouraging those to connect with their birth tree for insight and guidance.
Trees play such a huge part in all of your lives and yet, we are facing the destruction of our forests. How did we reach such a place of disconnect? where we are destroying the very thing that is keeping us alive, that is enriching our lives in so many ways.
Yes we may need to cut down some trees, but not at this current rate. There are alternatives. We could be planting hemp for example, for use to make paper.
We should be protecting the old growth forests, we should be honouring them. When humans are crammed together into spaces, where there are no trees, what happens then? Think about it.
Think about the affect of sitting with your back against a tree, the affect of being surrounded by them and then think about the affect of being surrounded by a concrete jungle.
In which environment, would we thrive?
the wooden trees and the forest the forest looks a little haunted, were you there at the time and felt everything, I felt the wooden trees and the forest. haunted
Being in the forest felt wonderful to me x
If humans do not turn a blind eye to the importance of trees, deforestation wouldn't be a common act in the world today. Somehow, humans find so much pride in the word development and unfortunately, nature has to bear the pain of our desire.
The impact of tree can't be quantified, we are in the world because of trees. Humans can't live without oxygen which would become scarce without tree. Food, herbs, shelter are all we benefit from tree and I think it's best when we plant more instead of cutting
Yes planting trees is so important, it's something we can all do.
Thanks George xxxx
Your piece has aroused my interest to pen more about the most sacred connections I hold dear. And what a deserving and beautiful tribute to the giants of the green earth. They are simply majestic!
Oh I look forward to reading your words. Much love to you my friend xxxxxx
I have been trying, for quite some time, to find information on how to use the olive tree leaves but I haven't find anything trustworthy yet. When you say infused, do you mean in hot water, like a tea?
No need to answer that, it is self-evident :)
Yes exactly in a tea. Also in a tincture as well.
Olive leaf extract is even more potent as well xxxx
Thanks :)
Thanks for the support xxx
Deforestation is 100% evil. Yet it exists easily in a society disconnected from its natural roots. Today, city-dwellers will go out to the forest (once every blue moon) and get all spiritual and enlightened for about an hour before they miss their WiFi and their Starbucks. Obviously, those people don't comment much against deforestation, unless as part of some social media virtue-signaling. sad.
I'm wondering, did you always feel this connection (as powerful as now) or is it something that developed over time?
I have always felt it, as nature is where I felt safest as a child xxxxx
Trees are life and living yet where I live preference to a patch of sand to be swept rather than trees is what surprises me most.
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Yes it is surprising indeed, a lot of things that happen surprise me to be honest. Thank you Joan xxx
Disappointing, saddened to see trees of stoutly age chopped for no reason. Have a great day.
Twenty years ago I lived in a place with no trees. I got very sick after three months and couldn't understand why. Then an old man showed me a secret forest hidden in the city and I got well.
I can well imagine that, we need trees to survive.
I wish more people could see that.
Thank you @mineopoly xxxx