Absence they say makes the heart grow fonder . When you don’t have something of deep interest at hand one will really do cherish any slightest opportunity to turn tables around . Talking about the word “crush” , I stumbled on that word way back in high school . The mere feeling of having a crush on someone is such a big ball of mixed emotions in my books . Reason being that I see it as a brief but intense infatuation for someone, especially someone probably deemed unattainable.


This article is basically me taking a shot at a writing challenge organized by @galenkp. There were several interesting topics to choose from but I guess I finally made a choice , right ?!

Take me back to the year 2017, the month of December to be precise . I just re-opened a a new Twitter account after my previous account seems to have been tampered with.

Twitter for me has always been an engaging platform. Yeah right! I’ve got to learn so many new things on there that I got no prior idea about before stumbling on the platform. However , I do not use the app as a life manual to make life decisions .


I’m more of an online person when in the search of a friend of the opposite sex . I seem to have more luck with that than meeting people offline . So for me , Twitter is/was another avenue to make my dm game stronger .

It didn’t take me so long for my eyes to catch a fancy when I stumbled on an account with an effortlessly cute lady on the avatar. As one who doesn’t hesitate to take opportunities when I see one , I did the needful by following the said new found account of interest. My mood of course lit when I got a follow back almost immediately.


Ok ! So what next happened I bet is a question on your lips right now begging to be answered. I must say sliding into dm(s) on an app like Twitter sometimes can really be an extreme sport .

For someone who doesn’t know how to handle rejection or being snubbed I must advice does not have any business sliding into the dm(s) of ladies on Twitter .

I took the bulls by the horns ,belled the cat and direct messaged her . I knew luck was on my side when I got a reply back from her, guys I wasn’t snubbed . A deep sigh of relief! .

For a fact I feel I’m more of the texting type than making phone calls . I tend to text more often at any slightest opportunity because I feel it’s quite effortless. Not everyone is the texting type though and more recently I’ve found that not everyone has the gift of holding a good conversation.

So therefore, I’m easily swayed off my feet if I stumble on someone who does so well in holding a conversation , it makes the texting a whole lot fun and easy , trust me !

Tejs (that’s what I call her) sure ticks this box . She’s an amazing communicator ! No dull moments when conversing with her. I mean no slow replies , she doesn’t necessarily have to wait for me to start a conversation, spontaneous and sacarstic as well . Apart from her being cute , I guess these above mentioned qualities of hers made me have a soft spot for her before I could even say Jack Robinson !

For someone who doesn’t fancy distance relationships, I can for a fact say I crushed on this said young lady. Yeah right! We weren’t in the same location, we were far apart but for some unknown reasons lol ! I just didn’t seem to bother. I guess it just shows how much of a crush she was.

We sent messages on the bird app for a considerable amount of time before we exchanged contacts . If the energy is right trust me I’m all in . Both of our energies seem to be a matching one , so there was no stopping to this friendship .

My bubble burst when she told me she was in a relationship. deepsigh

Of course, I told her I had a crush on her , it was more or less an open secret because we were so into each other as friends , good ones anyway. It was then she opened up to me of her being in a 3 year relationship already. Cool cool! We’re cool anyway was my cold response. I was pained not gonna lie . It is what it is anyway ..

I’m guessing if she wasn’t dating at that time it might have led to something serious, I doubt if a fling will ever occur.

Are we still currently talking ? Yeah we are.
Have we seen ?? Talking about that , it took us about 4 years to finally see each other .

She came down to where I’m based last year September. Seeing each other was so much of a surreal feeling for we both .


You know , it’s not easy keeping up with people on online messaging apps as people tend to ghost on each other for some unknown reasons.

So finally getting to set eyes on each other after so much days of chatting was a moment surely to be cherished if I want to be honest .

Would y’all believe it if I told you she’s back on the streets now ? and by that I mean she being single . She happened to reveal this to me some months ago about her quitting her relationship.

Wow o wow! At this point I didn’t even know how to feel because I felt she must have been so heartbroken even though I know she tries to put up a strong demeanor.

We’re still good friends and I guess we’ll always be. I won’t be lying if I say those crush feelings seem to have lapsed . Now we are just so cool in a non-superficial level . :) . At least if life offers you lemon , make lemonade outta it.
Thanks for listening to my confession.


Wow !! What a nice catch, you guys actually look cool together but I guess somethings are just deeper than mere looks !!!

Oye que lástima que ya el tiempo a apagado ese fuego del enamoramiento, ahora que ella está sola.

Pero si son buenos amigos ya es ganancia.

Claro que sí tu estas solo, porque no darse una oportunidad, hay casos de casos y esta puede ser la vencida.

Esas citas en líneas puede que den sus buenos resultados.

It's a pity that time has already extinguished that fire of infatuation, now that she is alone.

But if you are good friends, it's a win-win situation.

Of course, if you are alone, why not give yourself a chance, there are cases of cases and this may be the one to beat.

Those appointments in lines can give good results.

Mhmm! Thoughtful words right there !! Thanks for the engagement..



WEEKEND EXPERIENCES community.The original #weekend-engagement concept by @galenkp featured in the

Image belongs to @galenkp